There are very simple reasons why all this will fail spectacularly. The USA no longer has the economic weight Trump and friends think it does, Also, their economic theories do not work and will drive what is left of that economy into the ground, very fast.

Nothing he is doing should surprise anyone.
So Trump has been in office a few weeks. It is time for me to blog something about it. Everyone acts astounded by what he is doing.
Nothing he has been doing should be unexpected. If you have any depth of understanding about what goes on, you know what his basic ideas are, and what his alliances are. The kind of people he has surrounded himself with should have provided a lot of clues.
This is not to say it was possible to predict exactly what he was going to do. Nor can it be predicted what he will do in future. But it is possible to understand his basic ideas, and what interests he supports.
He is aligned with the industrial capitalists. He is an enemy of the financialist, globalist, crypto Nazi capitalists who have been ruling the world for most of the last three centuries. He supports the ‘California Ideology” of the silicon valley oligarchs.
He is a neoFascist. That is a different thing than a Nazi. He is not really interested in maintaining a political empire, as the financialists are.
He wants an economic or mercantilist empire which benefits the United States. He is interested in ruling other countries only if there is money to be made by American business. He is based in America and not globally.
He is trying to reverse everything the globalists have been doing to the United States for fifty years, but not in a good way. He wants the US to be reindustrialized. He thinks that can be done like flipping a switch.
While not a globalist, he does think the USA is the centre of the world. It is still the hyperpower which can overwhelm the rest of the world. Thus, he is on a collision course with reality.
The inevitable collisions will be devastating for the USA, but also very traumatizing for those entities on the receiving end. The twenties are the decade of turmoil and it is really starting from 2025 on. The worst should be over by 2030.
So, the age of Trump has begun. Several of the more astute commentators have said that he is the perfect thing to bring the post war globalist order to an end. Instead of a slow decline, he will end it with a big crash.
I have always thought it was inevitable that, as the globalists lose control, the industrial capitalists will seize it in many parts of the world. Then they would be incapable of governing, would bring about collapse, and no guesses as to what comes after. It certainly is playing out that way.
A smart old fellow said that history does not repeat itself, but it rhymes. I think that is a way of saying that the details cannot be predicted, but the broad outlines are constant and foreseeable. Thus, people should be able to anticipate the likely outcomes and act to forestall the worst ones, or at least to shield themselves.
However, people seem to be caught by surprise by Trump. They are responding hysterically, not rationally. They cannot fit Trump into their ideological explanations of the world, or their normalizations, so they are lost.
I repeat that there is no reason anyone should be surprised. It is likely that many people were lulled into complacency by Trump’s first term. There, he and the people allied with him were inexperienced at government and boxed in by the globalists.
Now they have broken out of the box. Everything has changed. With a little help from their friends, such as “international Democratic Union” (IDU), they have learned how to go about staging a Fascist coup.
The paradox is, that after doing that, they have antagonized some of these “fashy” friends. They have broken some rules of the international Fascist club. Some Fascistic governments in the west are now their enemies.
As well, elements of the global financialists are starting to reorient themselves. They are capable of forming temporary alliances with industrialist/nationalist elements in various countries. The imperial maintenance element has always been willing to promote Fascistic groupings to suit their own aims.
Industrial capitalists, especially ones aligned to the IDU, have been concerned with curbing or eliminating the Globalists, which they equate to “communism”. Most have not really bought into the Trumpian revolution and its “California Ideology”. So, an alliance of oligarchic groups is forming to try to put some limits on it.
A big problem with conspiracy trackers is that they always see things through the lens of their own ideology. When alliances among oligarchic groups shift, they have a hard time integrating it into their mental constructs.
This is true of the people following the IDU. When they see some elements of the Canadian neofascists breaking with Trump, their synapses fuse. It cannot be what it looks like; these people are on the ‘same team’.
The Mafia are all ‘the same team.’ That does not stop them from waging ‘civil wars’ on each other, or even forming outside alliances. Some group will challenge the rules. They will be wiped out, and some of its elements reintegrated, or it will win and become the new “commissione”.
So, Trump is bringing many changes. It is not predictable how they will work out, where he is serious, where he is bluffing, or how they will be reacted to. There will be an imperfect rhyme to it all.
At this point I can examine what the consequences of Trump will be in various aspects of reality. I will look briefly at The States, Canada, the Zion war, the Ukraine war, and the international balance in general.
Trump and the people around him, especially the billionaires, are wrapped up in the California Ideology, or Silicon valley mentality. It is a blending of libertarianism with ‘new age’ mysticism and technological transhumanism.
These people have decided that their success as tech entrepreneurs marks them as superior beings. They have the right to shape the world as they please. Government, and the rest of the human race generally, are just in their way. Many of these yoyos are almost convinced they are going to download their minds into computers, colonize space, and so on.
Right now much of the USA is in a panic as the billionaire bros take over the government machinery without any legal right. They are not dismantling government, they are privatizing it. They are preparing to replace the American constitution with their own.
They are under the delusion they will be able to overnight rebuild the American industrial base and technical supremacy. They think they will do this merely by slapping a ‘tariff wall’ around the country. Actually, Trump’s ideas are more complicated than that, though still misinformed and futile.
What Trump wants is for countries with which the USA has a trade deficit, meaning everyone, to start spending the American dollars they have hoarded, and bring up the value of their own currencies. He has ways of insuring that the money collected in tariffs is paid by the importers, not American consumers, and goes into the American treasury. In this way he thinks he can solve the problem of needing foreigners to pay the cost of the American military, without having to accept the American dollar as the world’s ‘reserve currency’.
He has to do something because the USA cannot keep borrowing from the world on the basis of the high dollar. For many years this worked. People needed American dollars.
Then strong international competitors arose. The American oligarchy got greedy and stupid. It tried to finance everything, not just its military, by selling dollars and treasury bonds.
In a few years this will lead to a collapse. However, his solution will ultimately fail as well, because the American economy is not as strong as he and his people think it is.
Fifty years of neoliberals, starting with Reagan, has hollowed out America. It has failed to train a whole generation of engineers and scientists. Its infrastructure is collapsing. The elite thought they would ‘offshore’ all the low value production, but keep the high tech, high value stuff, at home.
Even if sane people took control in America tomorrow, and were able to defeat the neoliberal elite and all the obstruction they could mount to reform, it would take a generation to renew the American economy. Even then, it will never catch up with the new economic powers. Its future is as a second rate economic and military power.
American failure creates a challenge for Canada. It is questionable if we are really up to it. We have always been a colony, first of Britain, then the Americans.
There has never been the will to really assert our rights and independence. Instead, there seems to be a desire to make ourselves seem weaker than we are.
We are not a small nation. We are not a small market. We are the ninth largest economy in the world, at least according to the “GDP” measure. We have plenty of means to assert our independence of the Americans if we would use them. We would have a more productive economy and better quality of life if we did assert more autonomy.
There does seem to be a move on to assert more independence from the USA. Yet this is also getting some resistance from interests dependent on trade with the Americans. We also hear from the usual, contemptible; “we don’t want confrontation” types.
Mark Carney and Christia Freeland align with the ‘empire’ faction of the globalists. They are taking over the Liberal party from the ‘stability’ faction which has owned it for so long. These people are very hostile to the Trumpians.
It is very Likely the liberals will win the next election with Carney as leader. What he would do is turn Canada into a bastion against Trump. He could make alliances with many of the ‘productivist’ industrial conservatives of Canada.
If Poilievre wins, he will be in a difficult situation. The mood in Canada is turning very anti American. Politicians who do not get on that bandwagon will lose elections or have difficulty governing.
Trump has, in effect, torn up the free trade agreements. That could be the best thing that could happen to Canada. These have been very harmful to us.
It fits with the rhyme of Canadian history. The local Canadian elite has always wanted Canada to remain a colony of a great power. They want democracy and Canadian government restricted, and a secure market to sell cheap resources into.
Whenever the big momma imperial state kicked us off the tit, it resulted in prosperity for most Canadians, but was terrible for the financial elite. We had economic booms in the nineteenth century after we were thrown out of ‘imperial preference’ with Britain, and then ‘reciprocity’ with the Americans. In the twentieth our best times were after we got out of the ‘Ogdensburg’ arrangement with the Americans.
Canada will do much better when it gets out of free trade deals with the Americans and starts to develop trade connections with Europe and Asia. Also, when we start ‘import replacement’ again, this time after breaking up the banking oligopoly and launching a system of public finance. Of course these initiatives will face a lot of resistance from inside Canada.
Another consequence of Trump is that Canada is on the front line of a clash between power centers. This will be the first time since the British colonial masters signed off on the boundaries with the USA, back in 1873. We really could end up invaded, blockaded, or some similar move by the Americans.
Despite all this potential harm, this should have the positive effect of reconsolidating Canadian national identity. We need to fend off the Yankees once again. However, we also need to deal with the internal problems which are badly holding back progress, and making us more vulnerable to external shocks.
Trump will change the tone of the Zion conflict. He will not change the underlying rhythm. The end result will still be the same. Israel is headed nowhere but to a calamitous defeat.
The Zion war is the first of the present world’s two sealed in conflicts. They are going to go to their conclusions. There is no force on earth to stop this.
As soon as the conflict ends, Israel ends. The Trump government can only keep Israel propped up for so long. Israel’s economy and international status is fully destroyed by the war.
They have totally failed to defeat Hamas in Gaza. They devastated the areas to north of them to buy themselves some time. However, their most dangerous opponent is to south of them.
Egypt is a nation of 100 million people. It has an army of one million. Against Israel, this army will operate in a close area, and can be effectively protected by a surface based air defense system.
It has even learned from Hamas and Hezbollah and built an extensive tunnel complex along the border.
The Egyptian army has always seen Israel as its main enemy. Israel, for them, is a constant menace which must be eliminated someday. All planning and training is toward defeating Israel.
Egypt has been repeatedly humiliated by Israel in this conflict. The semi dictator, Al Sisi, has a bad case of immobilism; refusal to act. However, if he rolls over again for Israel and the Americans, the Egyptian army brass are ready to overthrow him.
Egypt has now moved its tanks right up to the Gaza border. Their guns are trained across the Philidelphi corridor. If Israel tries to herd Gazans into Egypt, or violates the 1978 peace treaty again, it will have another war with Egypt on its hands.
Israel is exhausted by the past year and a half of fighting. Most of its equipment is destroyed or out of service. They are having trouble getting anyone to fight.
A top Israeli general has admitted that Israel has only one battle ready brigade to send against Egypt.
If they attack Gaza or Lebanon again, Iran will again turn its missile force on them. It has shown that Israel has no defense against this. Iran has a strong air defense and will defeat any American or Israeli strike on their territory.
Israel’s proxy force in Syria, which they used to overthrow the rotten Assad government after the Russians gave up on it, is now in trouble. A guerrilla war is developing against them. Actions produce reactions.
The ring of steel around Israel is rapidly closing. The USA can do nothing to change this situation. The Pentagon will simply refuse to get its troops into a losing situation in Gaza.
Trump can make all the noise he wants about doing real estate developments in Gaza. He can keep people guessing about whether he is bluffing, or what he could really do, or how much he knows what he is doing. He really cannot change the reality Israel is in.
We can ask why he is so concerned about Israel. The Zionist lobby does in the USA what it tries to do everywhere; control both sides of everything. Paradoxically, they have Trump’s faction just as hypnotized as the Biden democrat globalists were.
But Israel is about to fall. The Zionist project can no longer be sustained, no matter what outside support it has. The Zionists, as they fail, have become ever more reckless and deluded.
As with Ukraine, the question is, what to do about the fanatic bitter enders.
Trump aligns to the oligarchic faction which sees China as the main enemy, not Russia. The financial imperialists think they have to take out Russia first, before dealing with China. The American industrialists are less interested in Russia.
They think China is somehow stealing their technical supremacy. It is behind the attack on the American dollar, thus American export markets and sources of materials. So they want to go after China, not to destroy it or take it over, but to make it accept their conditions.
Toward this, they want to wind up the Ukraine war so American power can focus on China. They would also like the Zion war wound up in this way. Trump’s solution is to force Russia to a peace deal.
Trump appears not to have good information about the situation on the ground in Ukraine. Russia has won. The neoNazi regime in Ukraine has lost. The Americans and the Eurocracy cannot impose peace conditions on Russia.
Russia’s demand is still what it was at the beginning of the conflict. The rights of Russian speakers in Ukraine must be protected. Ukraine must be neutral, cannot be a base for attacks on Russia.
Most importantly, the Nazi regime in Ukraine must be eliminated along with the Nazis. Especially, the ones responsible for atrocities against civilians, who must be put on trial. The Perun worshipping Ukronazis are never going to just give up and be jailed or executed.
The war will end when they are all dead or in exile in whatever country will take such disgusting people. That will entail the full occupation of Ukraine by the Russian army. That will require a few years yet.
Again, there is nothing Trump can do about it. Neither he nor the Eurocrats can get into a direct war with Russia. He wants a fight with China, instead.
Trump wants to run his confrontation with China on the cheap. He is talking about cutting the Pentagon budget in half. He believes he will get China’s submission as much through economic war as military force.
His understanding of international trade is superior to the liberal economists in the world trade organization. It is still well below China’s expertise on the subject. But China’s real advantage is that it has a planned economy.
China will simply refuse to listen to Trump’s demands. The USA is now much more dependent on China than China is on the USA. China has numerous options in dealing with Trump.
Getting into a detailed discussion of the tactics of trade wars gets outside the scope of this article. The point is that Trump wants to get America out of the pitfalls of having the world’s reserve currency. But he still wants the world to fund the American military.
He does not have the Globalist/Atlanticst idea that the USA must control every inch of the globe. He is ‘America First’ in the strict sense of the term. He wants America to withdraw back into a ‘Fortress North America.’
From this fortress, the Americans will continue to control those areas of the world, and those economic sectors, which American businesses really want. They also want to reindustrialize America. Toward this, they want all the industry Americans control abroad to be moved back to America.
In this is a warning to Canada about the perils of a branch plant economy. We should have learned this after the free trade fiasco of 1988. We need to keep what industry we have left, at home. We need to fight to keep outside the walls of ‘Fortress America’.
To conclude, the continental fortress is what the threats to annex Greenland and Canada, and to take the Panama Canal back, are all about. Canada is the resource storehouse. Greenland is the advance base, in case the ‘communist’ fleet comes across the Atlantic.
There are very simple reasons why all this will fail spectacularly. The USA no longer has the economic weight Trump and friends think it does, Also, their economic theories do not work and will drive what is left of that economy into the ground, very fast.
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