Seventy I have lived my life on the down slope of a historic arc. I grew to adulthood when times were very good. I expect to see the bottoming out of this long arc and a new beginning.
The Lights Have Gone Out Again The monuments need to be torn down. They are really monuments to Canada’s shame. All these wars were wars of empire which we should have wanted nothing to do with.
About Canadian Patriots, China, History, and the Drug Trade They are available as critics of financial capitalism. So, they can be useful when other criticisms are not so available. There are other criticisms of Financialism from an authentic left perspective, but they are not as well funded, and often heavily suppressed.
The Human Race This is the way we must define humans. We can all interbreed. It has nothing to do with ability to speak or even to use tools and fire. If we start thinking that way, we know where it leads.
The Magician, the Artisan, China, The West, and the Scientific Revolution. There is one very valuable and unique thing which western civilization has given the world. That is, the scientific revolution. This enabled the huge advance in technology and standard of living which most of the world now enjoys.
On Doomering I am not a doomer. My own view of things is that we are not headed for a breakdown, but a break through. That is, in the western world, the Atlantisphere. The rest of the world is already starting to make its breakthrough.
About the Olympics So, Olympics 2024 are a wrap. As it was intended to be, it is a microcosm of the world in general. It also reflects the world in ways its founders did not intend.