Shooting Trump

The only way out of this is for the third side of this argument, the civil and social side, to be reactivated. Only a small part of the population really buy into either side of it, but these elites have the money and the guns, and the bigger mouths.

Shooting Trump

It is what it looks like.

The smoke has now cleared from the big shoot out in Pennsylvania. We can see what the effect has been.

Of course it has generated every kind of ridiculous response from across the ideological spectrum. However, it is pretty much what it looks like. I mean, what it looks like to persons who have trained their minds to filter out the ideological noise.

No, Trump did not stage this to boost his popularity. There is no way you could successfully stage something like this.

No, it was not a “deep state” assassination attempt. If it was such an operation, it would have succeeded. The deep state has learned from the operations on King and the Kennedys that this is not the best way to get rid of inconvenient people.

The problem with the classic political assassinations of the sixties is that they were absurdly over planned. It was howling obvious that they were intelligence service operations. This led to strong reactions against these services.

The style in more recent years has been to obtain assassinations by less direct means. That is, to first demonize the target to a curated mini public who are conditioned to accept political armed violence. Often a potential assassin is given some advice and support but the agency doing so always covers its tracks.

Second, the security around the target is shut down or compromised. Besides the Trump mess we have seen another example of this in the attempt on Robert Fico, the Slovak prime minister. In both cases, the security detail left the target wide open and their immediate reaction was flat footed.

In the video of the Trump shooting the American secret service detail looked like they had only the most rudimentary training for their jobs. When they encircled him to shield him with their bodies, most of them were much shorter than him and they left his head exposed. There were snide remarks on the net about “secret service Barbie”, who seemed unable to get her gun back in its holster.

One of my favorite vloggers had some comments on the Trump shooting. He is someone who should worry about about being a target for this kind of assassination because he is also much demonized. He wondered why Trump, with a campaign fund of millions a week, did not employ his own security force.

Instead, he relied on the secret service, controlled by his enemies. They did not have to actively connive in organizing his assassination, as with Kennedy. They only had to send out a “C” team to guard him, and wait to see what happens.

Trump was very lucky he did not get his head blown off. Some commentators think another half inch the wrong way and his political career would have been over. The consequences of a successful assassination are not thought through well enough by commentators of most shades.

No one would have believed Biden and company were not responsible. He has a habit of running his mouth, and his statement a few days prior about a need to put Trump “in the bullseye”, was not helpful. The kind of rhetoric which the Democrat party machinery encouraged against Trump made something like this inevitable.

The shooter had connections to the ‘Antifa’ group. That is, the bunch who think they are ‘antifascist’s. The people allied with Trump really are fascists; direct descendants of the fascists of the nineteen forties. What that actually means is worth a discussion in itself.

However, what the antifascist people are, is Crypto Nazis. There is an obscure but definite difference between Fascists and Nazis. They are both fronts for something deeper. They are most often in conflict with each other.

I have made a start at explaining this difficult subject in this article.
Very basically, Fascists are the attack dogs of the industrial capitalist faction of the ruling class. Nazis, in the way I use the term, are the attackers for the financial capitalist faction.

The Trump shooter was a Nazi, even though he, and those who would cheer him, would be baffled to be given that name. It gets more confusing when his father is found to be a republican party supporter. He owned twelve of the type of semi automatic weapon his son used.

In other words, the father would have been a perfect model of the ‘deplorable’ radical republican which the democrats, the financialist, globalist, Malthusian party in the United States, so dramatically deplore. There is much about such people to deplore. Perhaps he needed twelve semi automatic rifles because he wanted to start his own war. Only in America.

But the antifas are collecting their own arsenals. They are doing target practice. However, there are not as many of them yet as the ‘MAGA’ type militias, and they are not as good at being militias.

People in the states are talking about a civil war coming in their country. They are already making movies about it. The country appears to be splitting into two armed camps.

The last thing the world needs is for a country armed to the gills with nuclear weapons to decide to do a civil war. Even the people the American elite hate most, the Russians and Chinese, would much rather the Americans did not collapse into chaos and anarchy. They actually do a lot to prop up the American state and economy.

However, most Americans are not on either of these two sides. The great majority are on the third side of the conflict, that of civil society. But they are presently powerless as the elite factions prepare to destroy each other.

The shooting has consolidated support for Trump. It seems very likely that Trump and the Republican Party will win the next election despite all the democrats can do to rig it. By the way, vote rigging is a long tradition in the excited states of America. So it is amusing when either party accuses the other of it.

However, no matter who wins the next election, the one side will not allow the other to govern. The Democrat establishment would do what they did during Trump’s first term. That is, to use their control over the government apparatus to prevent Trump from forming an administration around himself.

It is like this; to run a government administration in a modern state you need a cadre of trained people, who have made government their career. Since the Republican, industrialist, libertarian Fascist side of the equation do not believe in government, most such people are committed to the Democrat, globalist side. They will not jeopardize their careers by going to work for Trump.

But the Republican side has a “plan 2025”. Whether they take the presidency or not, they have control of the legislative and judicial side of government and of most state governments. This control will likely increase after this election cycle. The plan is to defund and dismantle most of the federal government.

The very likely response of the globalist deep state and its security apparatus would be to overturn the constitution and impose “martial law.” The big question then would be, what most of the American professional military will decide to do. So it seems that in America, after 2024 comes the deluge.

As for the effects had the shot at Trump found its mark, they would have been considerable. The main faction of Republicans would have been in some disarray. They have no other obvious candidate, no flag bearer. There are some other factions among the republicans, but they seem to be marginalized and staying quiet.

This might have been enough to allow the Democrats to win the presidency again. This despite Biden’s obvious mental incapacity and the inability of the Democrats to find a new, viable candidate.

Whichever party wins the presidency, it will have an effect over the next years. That effect is hard to predict. However, the long range outcome will be the same; the breakdown of the American system.

The details of this breakdown will depend on what party is more successful in imposing its will. The Democrats want to start a losing war with Russia. The Republicans want to start one with China. Losing to China will hit the Americans much harder because their economy depends so much on Chinese imports.

The Democrats want to fold the American economy. The Republicans want to fold the American government system. The effects of each will be similar. Life will become nastier, more brutish, and shorter.

The only way out of this is for the third side of this argument, the civil and social side, to be reactivated. American civil society has been harshly suppressed for two generations. All this fight is between two factions of an elite. Only a small part of the population really buy into either side of it, but these elites have the money and the guns, and the bigger mouths.

In the next years we will see more attempted and accomplished assassinations, and more political violence of all kinds in the Excited States of America. Most people will be very confused about what is going on. But it will be exactly what it appears to be.