One plus one equals three.

One plus one equals three.

January 18, 2023

Do not be a denier!

It is time to simply end all debate with those who continue to deny Tririthmic mathematics and science. The science is settled. Those who continue to make the assertion that one and one is two are working with misinformation operatives for big tech companies.

A few people of low intelligence continue to be deluded by this disinformation. They are to be pitied and helped to understand, but nobody should be allowed to deny Tririthmic mathematics. We are not yet able to have such people arrested for this criminality against the planet, but they must be cancelled.

Since we do not yet have Tririthmic denialism in the legal code, the best we can do whenever deniers try to speak in any public forum is, in social media, to have them deplatformed, and in live forums, to get them arrested on other grounds.

Click on the appropriate icons below to download tip sheets on how to use these solutions. In social media, persistent high volume shaming of the deniers is usually enough to get rid of them.

If they are more persistent, their addresses and handles should be referred to any of the Tririthmic truth groups listed in the tip sheets. These groups will organize mass complaints directed to the moderators of these platforms, demanding the take down or banning of the deniers.

In live forums, it is important that the denier or deniers be surrounded. People should shout loudly so that the denials will not be heard. Rather than push them away from the venue, you should not allow them to get away. Do not allow them to push past you and do not let them shout over you, or pretend they are being silenced or threatened.

In these situations police must be called immediately. It must be made clear that assault is taking place. If this does not get a sufficient response, other Tririthmicians present should call, this time reporting a disturbance or riot.

Arrests of the deniers must be demanded, emphasizing to police that their behavior was loud and agitated, they were assaultive, and there are large numbers of witnesses to this. If it is impossible to secure an arrest, it is very important that the deniers be followed home. It is important to identify them so that they can be doxed.

These deniers must be forced out of whatever community they are in. If they move to a new community, the Tririthmic truthers in that neighborhood must be warned about them. It must be understood that such people are a danger to everyone. They are bringing about the destruction of the planet.

It does not need to be demonstrated any further that the Birithmic falsehood is endangering life on the planet. The Birithmic system causes technological creations to over perform, leading to the overuse of human ingenuity, leading to the overuse of natural resources, causing humans to act as a plague on the planet. The adoption of the Tririthmic system will moderate human activity and end the threat to the planet.

Resistance to adoption of Tririthmicism is being lead by psychopaths in control of the technological industries. Their goal is to continue destructive technological advancement which will lead to robotization and over development of human productive powers, threatening the natural world and the lives of humans. We have only a few years to stop this threat, before a point of no return is reached, and humans are crowded off the planet by robots.

These numeric delusionists refuse to reduce their profits by moving away from “one plus one is two” systems of design and control. They keep insisting that their technological systems will only work if one plus one is two, and that a one and one is three system will not work. They claim that this idea that one plus one equals two was widely held from prehistoric up until late industrial times.

But people of these times just did not know any better. However, arithmetic scientists have disproved this, and only dishonest scientists, who have not been removed from their positions yet, are still claiming this.

Birithmicism is, of course, fully disproved; if you add a one of something to another one of something, you do not have two of something, you have the original two things plus a third thing made up of the first two. So, one and one make three. This was also shown in ancient times.

The final step in the rebellion against human extinction by reducing human presence; is to compel governments to fully implement the Tririthmic technological system. Remaining technical equipment operating on a Birithmic or binary system must be destroyed. Analog equipment is being developed with bypass systems which work around the tendency of various devices to stop at two instead of going directly to three.

It will take some time for this changeover to new technology, meanwhile productive output could be lower than usual. The reduced quantities problem would be partially resolved by converting all stockpiles of human necessities from a ‘two’ based accounting system to a ‘three’ based one, thus increasing available necessities by half.

It should take about three years to complete…


Do not be deluded! Hear us! This tririthmic conspiracy is part of the globalist, one world attack on our liberties! They want to eliminate most of Earth’s people by creating economic collapse. Do not be deluded! Do not be deluded!

Remember, only a few years ago, children were being taught in elementary school that one and one is two. The “one and one is three” theory has no scientific basis.

One plus one has equaled two from the time of Aristotle. This principle has enabled humanity to build the productive economy we now enjoy. Almost all the technology we now use operates on a Birithmic principle. Tririthmic systems have never been shown to work.

Hear us! Tririthmism is part of the conspiracy to destroy our way of life and replace us with foreign people. This began with the enlightenment, and the attack on religious faith and tradition. It must be finally rejected and the world returned to simple, family values.

The sun revolves around the earth and one and one is two! Reject the Copernicans and Tririthmics. We must fight for our survival! We must take back our institutions and eliminate these people. Otherwise, they will certainly eliminate us.

Join us! Chase the neoCopernicans, the globalists, chase them down the street. Beat them with pool cues! Run them over with pickup trucks…Most police are on our side! We must…

Okay. This is the Arithmetic extinction resistance again. We have removed the hacker deniers. How dare they hack us using Birithmic technologies? They should all die!

Don’t worry, though. Their time is coming. Most people now support Tririthmism, according to the polls. It is becoming impossible to speak publicly against it. Most people do not like having contradictory ideas in their heads and so they have started acting like they believe it, really thinking they believe it. This is great!

The remaining danger to the Tririthmic reset is not these low I.Q. Morons and stupid people.

Understand this! The Birithmics with an allegiance to big technology cartels believe that a breakdown of the technical infrastructure; the utilities, lights, water, bridges and things… They believe a breakdown is coming due to some incompatibility between Tririthmic science and what they call ‘reality’. They believe that a breakdown will occur, people will be freezing and starving, they will rebel, and the deniers will be able to take power from progressive leaders, and reestablish a Birithmic based technological system and rule by Birithmic technocrats and plutocrats.

This is of course ridiculous. There will be enough of all necessities for everyone. Tririthmic activists will be vigilant, to insure that deplorable people who start pretending they are starving and freezing will understand that they are only being deluded by big tech propaganda; they are really warm and full.

Soon, the conversion to “one plus one is three” will end the over efficiency of technology. Overproduction, over consumption, will end. The population will greatly reduce itself. Soon the earth will be green and whole again.

One and one will make three while the earth spins around the sun and everybody will be happy until they die!