On Doomering

I am not a doomer. My own view of things is that we are not headed for a breakdown, but a break through. That is, in the western world, the Atlantisphere. The rest of the world is already starting to make its breakthrough.

On Doomering
swiping Wildfire's logo.

Doomers do have their uses.

In addition to writing a blog, I also read other people’s blogs. I even try to promote some of my favourite bloggers. Often they return the favour.

One of my favorite bloggers goes by the tag of Jessica Wildfire. A link to her post which I am responding to is below. She is the Queen of Internet doomers, proponents of the idea that humanity is doomed and we are headed for a breakdown.


She has been trying to make a go of it as a blogger, and build up enough following to support herself and her family on it. She became doomerous when one of the posts she wrote resulted in a slight drop of paid readership.

It seems some people reacted negatively to the previous blog she did. This referenced some science fiction stories of the type where someone creates a catastrophe in order to motivate the human race to change something before it leads to an even bigger catastrophe. Of course this kind of thing will get a certain type of person upset.

Wildfire’s despair about growing her blog numbers actually created a swell of support for her. Perhaps it even generated a swell of paid subscriptions for her. We all want her to keep on dooming.

I wrote my own comment for her comment box, offering her words of encouragement in great number. However, I waited awhile to post it, so it did not get lost in this swell of sympathy.

I decided it was good enough for me to work up into this post on my own blog. Many of my best pieces start that way, as comments to other bloggers.

Wildfire is very good at starting interesting discussions. Especially, examinations of human nature and sociological research about human reactions to crisis. She also has plenty of good information on the progress of the pandemic.

However, I am not a doomer. My own view of things is that we are not headed for a breakdown, but a break through. That is, in the western world, the Atlantisphere. The rest of the world is already starting to make its breakthrough.

The Atlanticist empire which has ruled the world for three centuries is collapsing. Several national states have emerged which are militarily and economically strong enough, politically stable enough, to stand up to the Atlantic hegemony. It is now imploding back in on its core.

The “Pax Americana”, in place since 1945, came to an end about 2020. We are now in another ‘interregnum’ or transition period, just like the period 1914 to 1945, except I do not think it will last that long. The core BRICS countries seem to have a good idea of how they want to organize the post Atlantic world and are progressing quickly to implement it.

Thus, the present doom and gloom is mostly confined to the core Atlantic countries. The rest of the world is growing more optimistic. There is still worry about what the old Atlantic powers could do as they flail about on their way down. They are still dangerous.

Here is my advice for Doomers and doomer followers; stop reading western media. If you have an internet connection it is not hard to connect with Chinese, Indian, and Arabian English language media. I am in Canada and I still have no trouble accessing Russian media.

Part of the problem with doomers may be that it is harder to get international stuff in the USA or the EU. But that is the key to getting a balanced view of what is going on in the world.

Pfrtz! I get a clearer picture of what is going on in Canada from China Global Television than from Canadian Bullshitting Corporation.

To reinforce the message; the doom and gloom inside the Atlantisphere information bubble is in contrast to the increasing optimism outside it. This situation obviously cannot last long. The Atlantisphere is going to crash and the disinformation bubble will burst.

The bubble is, of course, designed to demoralize the populations in these countries. When the Western oligarchy’s power collapses, all these people will emerge from these delusions and begin to rethink their beliefs, just like being released from Plato’s cave. They will see where the rest of the word is going and start imitating it.

The west will no longer dominate the world. It will not simply become a backwater, either. We will just get rid of an old order and put in place something better, and start a new age of progress.

Yet I do not subscribe to this idea that we are at the start of a ‘Multipolar World’. Neither are we in the ‘Chinese Century’. However, what is coming after this is a topic for another blog.

The two big ‘doom and gloom’ topics which most distress everybody are global warming and the pandemic.

In the wider world, nobody takes this climate crap seriously anymore. This does not need a great deal of explaining. The people driving it are still powerful and most governments feel a need to pay some lip service to it.

I wondered how Wildfire is going to react to that statement. I have been booted off a few forums for articulating truth about this. Had she proved to be that ideologic, after all, then someone else would have had the five beans a month I send her way.

Announcing that the global warming trope does not make any sense is something like telling The Inquisition that there is no evidence for God. Meanwhile, here in Toronto, we are living through a cool, wet summer. Yet the media have most of the population convinced they are in another unusually hot and dry one.

As for the pandemic age, just the opposite is happening. The Atlantic oligarchy’s delusion machine is trying to create a negative hallucination. It is trying to make a rise in infectious diseases, along with the great economic effects on public health and the economy which follow from it, disappear.

The world outside the Atlantisphere has largely figured out what to do about the pandemic age. Most countries have Covid down to manageable proportions. This reduces Covid’s effects on people’s immune systems and makes other diseases easier to control.

There is no way to eradicate Covid and lesser ‘Flu’ type infections while they are constantly reseeded from the areas of the world where they are trying to 'pretend' it away. These countries know that the best anti covid measure is to deal very sharply with people trying to spread disinformation about it.

They generally also know that the next best measure is to monitor these diseases and keep people informed, so that they know when, where, and how to protect themselves. Impoverished countries with very limited resources are able to carry this out. Somehow the wealthy western countries are incapable of this.

To pound in my message some more; it is amazing how much optimism there is outside of what we used to call ‘the first world’ or ‘the west’. It is like a wave spreading out from the countries which have been able to resist the west and install good governments. Other countries are imitating that, forming alliances against western dominance, and learning how to from effective governments.

It is like the title of my own blog; Competents in Charge. Usually, getting qualified people into public office involves scrapping or severely modifying western models of ‘representative democracy’. Usually this puts western liberal thinkers into fits. They can only see it as dictatorship or tyranny, or even worse, as ‘populism’.

What these countries are experimenting with is government which serves the public’s interest. This seems to be the remedy for most of the sociological problems which concern Wildfire.

As I have pontificated often in her comment box, humans are not really this stupid. If we were, we would never have survived and developed civilization. It is a problem of leadership in society.

How most of the human species came to be ruled over by the worst kind of people, and how it has driven us down, is also a topic for its own blog post. I only say here that it is being said more often now in the west, that the only revolution which will ever matter is the one in which the normal humans overthrow the sociopaths.

For now, our sociopathic oligarchy will be ever more frantic about suppressing any communication which points people to a way beyond them. This gets us back to Wildfire’s problem with keeping her blog project viable.

I have actually learned a lot from her about running a blog. I was on Medium for awhile but I did not encounter her there. I had a similar experience there; no one reading my stuff.

But I was also on Substack by then, as well as beginning my rotten experience with Wordpress, so I just checked out of Medium. I discovered Wildfire on Substack and and first subbed into her there. When she moved over to Ghost, I checked that out and moved my Wordpress over there.

I am still also on Substack. I want to have my stuff up in more than one place. I have been doing internet opinionation off and on for a long time and have had some experiences of getting deplatformed. Anyone remember e-mail groups?

However, I have never attracted a significant following. My mind would be majorly boggled if I ever got to three thousand subscribers, even unpaid. I have eighty subscribers over two platforms. About half of them actually read anything I post. However, it is evident I have quite a few shadow followers, hiding behind tracker blockers.

I have no paid subscribers and do not want them. I am retired and have enough money to live on. I focus on staying under the radar of trolls and censors, while building a body of good work which will someday, when the problems with the net are solved, get widely read. I can dream.

So I do not believe anyone really makes a living just blogging. The good blogs are usually extensions of some other activity. The blogger works for some publication, or does podcasting, or gets funded in some way.

The real secret about these ‘algorithms’ is that you have to pay money to get past them. Thus, you cannot attract enough readers unless you are connected to an institution of some kind. As well, you need some resources to deal with attempts to block or hack your site.

So, anyone chipping on Wildfire for taking a subsidy from a funder is a sanctimonious twit. You need to show you are delivering a socially important service, and ask for more support. We definitely need more funders of independent media.

There are huge problems with the net and with the ‘blogosphere’. There is the obvious political problem; governments wanting to control information and manage perception. There is also the ‘free speech’ problem.

Oligarchic governments used to be happy to nullify public discussion by the phony idea of ‘free speech’. The internet has been saturated with forty different ‘realities’, creating a kind of white noise. All these different voices have been fighting for attention, becoming ever more strident and extreme.

Some useful voices have been able to get through the noise; people who actually have something useful to say and thus a right to be talking. A consensus has been starting to build about the need to replace the present order, and what to replace it with. So the Atlantic oligarchy has been starting to apply a different approach to controlling the public; creating a single accepted narrative and silencing anything else.

So it will keep getting tougher to be a high quality blogger. To defeat thought control and thought police we need that part of the net which is still public to start to be reorganized. All us brilliant bloggers need to be able to find each other and achieve some synthesis.

But we also need new ways for receptive people to find us. This is a topic for another blog, but I have some ideas about it.

I will keep on blogging. May Wildfire keep on too, but be a little less of a doomer. May she find more funding for yourself beyond just paid readership.

One final thing, though. The impulse to create a crisis in order to to snap people out of complacency is an old one. There are plenty of examples in fiction. It is alright there.

However, there are plenty of examples in real life of people trying to do that. It never ends well.

Never, ever, wish things would get even worse. Always work to make things better.