Global Intifada and Globalizing the Intifada

Many people are denying that the Israeli lobby is controlling the United States because “the tail does not wag the dog”. To continue with this metaphor, there are a lot of tails wagging in this situation, and it is impossible to see where the dog is.

Global Intifada and Globalizing the Intifada

About what is implied by these terms, and about wagging dogs.

I hear that the terms the zionist thought police and the Internet censors like least of anything are ‘intifada’, especially when connected in any way with ‘global’. There is a very good reason why that is. But I do not think they can throttle me any more than they are now, and so I am going to defy them.

The literal meaning of the Arabic word ‘intifada’ is ‘the act of shaking something off’. We are considered to be into the third ‘shaking off’ of Zionism. It has proved very hard to shake off.

The first Intifada began in 1987. It is thought to have started when an Israeli truck driver drove over a Palestinian kid. The Israeli occupation police were not interested in investigating. It sounds a lot like Toronto police when a cyclist gets scrunched out in a bike lane by a delivery truck.

However, this got the first intifada going. It went on for six years, until the occupiers came up with the ‘Oslo accords’ to calm the occupied down.

At first the Palestinians thought they were going to do Gandhian nonviolence. The Israeli army and police do not do nonviolence. The also do not do accountability for their members. A lot of Palestinians got shot for throwing rocks or for merely being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

That the Palestinians were able to get anything out of this was because at that time, the Labor Zionist leader Yitzak Rabin had regained office from the Likud, the religious Zionists. So the Palestinians and Yasser Arafat were able to get something out of Israel which they never should have settled for, in hindsight. They got the west bank divided into two areas, one with mostly the illegal Zionist settlements in it, and one with mostly the Palestinians in it.

The Palestinian authority was created to govern their area, replacing direct rule of the Israeli military. Israel still had ‘security control’ and control over all access in and out. This government was supposed to be democratic.

Of course, Arafat and friends were of a generation of Palestinian leaders who wanted, before anything else, to be rulers of their own domain. To them it was really all about rewarding their friends and families. Palestinians have no experience at home government, let along any form of democracy.

This situation did not last long. A Zionist fanatic assassinated Rabin and Likud soon returned to power. Conditions again deteriorated for Palestinians.

The Palestine Authority became nothing more than a police force for the Israeli occupation. Arafat was gradually isolated, surrounded by traitors, driven crazy, and finally assassinated. The territory governed by the Palestinian authority resumed shrinking as Zionist settlers resumed grabbing land.

Ariel Sharon, the Likud leader, triggered the second intifada when he and his friends tromped around in the Al Aqsa mosque. This was a very holy place which non Moslems are supposed to stay out of. By then it was becoming clear to Palestinians how much they had been played by the “Oslo process”.

Palestinians began using suicide bombers. This helped Sharon and Likud get elected. However, although the idea repels most westerners, suicide bombing can be a very effective tactic, when applied persistently, and when you have no other way of fighting against an enemy as vicious as Israel.

This second intifada ran from the year 2000 to 2005. The Israeli public got very tired of it. It was also helping to turn international opinion away from Israel.

Sharon was sufficiently strategic to realize that Israel needed a change of tactics. He declared his acceptance of the old idea of the ‘two state solution’ as an interim condition. He withdrew from Gaza and dismantled the land grabber settlements there. He returned some west bank land to the Palestine Authority.

But the Palestinians were sold out by the Palestine Authority. It really just wanted to keep its authority and opportunities for graft, in its own little enclave. They traded future promises for nothing present and tangible.

Sharon was not really conceding anything here. He had no choice if he was going to keep the west bank settlements. The American government at that time was not so supine toward Zionism as it is now.

However, the decisive action of the Hamas group in Gaza gave Palestine a tangible advantage. They forced a fair election in Gaza, they won it, then they built a militia which drove the Israeli army out. Since then they have run a government independent of Israel, with some support from elements of the international community.

The Israelis kept raiding into Gaza, and occasionally bombing it. They have done everything to make it uninhabitable. In retaliation, Hamas has kept firing home made rockets into Israel and raiding over the security fence.

Hamas’ object is to break the Israeli siege on Gaza, so that goods and people can go in and out and an economy can operate. Israel has intimidated the Palestine Authority into silence as it ‘diplomatically’ isolates it. The main tactic Israel and its American allies used here was called the “Abraham accords”.

The aim was to convince the Arab monarchies to adopt the idea that things were now quiet and the Palestine problem was solved. The world was starting to forget about Palestine. So, they were to gradually drop financial support for Palestine.

Palestine’s lifelines were being squeezed off. The aim of Hamas’ action of October 2023 was to reverse this and put the Palestinian cause back on the world’s agenda.

It and its allies probably did not expect such an insane overreaction from Israel. But the states under attack from Israel had solved their unity problems and were ready for the fight.

This fight is now being called ‘the third Intifada’. It is considered an internationalized intifada. Many talk now of a ‘globalized intifada’, recognizing that Zionism is a global entity which must be fought globally.

That is what the word ‘intifada’ has come to mean to Arabs. Other uprisings or protests in the Moslem world are now being called intifadas. In recent years we have had the Egyptian ‘bread intifada’ and the Lebanese ‘tax intifada’.

The word is entering other languages. The French riots of 2005, over police harassment of ghettoized immigrants, was called an intifada. In English speaking countries, minor protests are now often called, humorously, intifadas.

Alternatively, according to the Zionist perception management machines in all countries settled by Jews, intifada is made equivalent to ‘pogrom’. This might disturb Jews of a sociotropic mentality, though they need not be. The word is understandably threatening to Zionists, who are threatened by being seen as what they are, and resisted.

So, that is what the word ‘intifada’ is all about.

Now, to another trope which is being used a lot in relation to the West Asian situation. That is, the expression “the tail wagging the dog”. This is as in the wiseacre’s line about the dog wagging the tail because it is the part with the brain.

Many people are denying that the Israeli lobby is controlling the United States because “the tail does not wag the dog”. To continue with this metaphor, there are a lot of tails wagging in this situation, and it is impossible to see where the dog is. This is the usual condition where the Atlantic hegemony is making a play.

The condition is similar in Ukraine. No one can understand why the Ukraine lobby in all these countries, but especially in Canada, is so influential. In fact, the world is full of examples of nefarious actors who somehow have influence not explainable by their intellects or apparent means.

The big problem with people who have trouble grasping an apparent ‘tail wags dog’ situation is that they assume that all political relationships are linear and top down. They cannot understand a decentralized structure in which different factions have common aims as well as some conflicting ones. This includes ‘Black Nobilities, whose power depends on their core membership remaining anonymous.

This anonymity depends on most people really not wanting to know how things work. People who are suspicious about how the world is really run are usually also confused, because of ideological biases they cannot get out of. Conspiratorial elite groups know that their internal conflicts cannot compromise their anonymity and covertness.

Thus, to people studying the Atlantic hegemony, it usually appears as a black box or black cloud. There is some kind of black nobility there, whose membership is mainly hereditary. Its internal structure and governing mechanisms are nearly impossible to deduce from the outside.

Some elements are strong and consistent through most of this unity of interests. Their power is based on control of the issuance of national currencies, and regulation of international currency exchanges. Countries are required to integrate into their money system. Those who will not become enemies of the Hegemony and are relentlessly attacked.

The methods of attacking external enemies of the Atlanticist empire, and any internal challenges, any ‘Counter Hegemonies, is very consistent over time. They go from propaganda to infiltration, to assassinations and coups, to sanctions and outright warfare. All these tools are much on display right now.

This is because the Atlantic empire is starting to fail. The tools are no longer working. The targets are learning how to counter them.

A global revolt is starting to develop. It is led by a few countries strong enough to resist the empire. However, most countries are still leery of inviting retaliation from it. People inside the Atlantic empire’s core territory, mostly around the North Atlantic, are still inside the hegemony’s propaganda and perception management bubble.

Another unifying principle of the hegemony is religious extremism, or occult mysticism. These people believe they are a special group with a special understanding. They are uniquely connected to God or to other supernatural forces.

They believe they have a right to rule over other people. From this, they have the idea that there are too many people in the world for them to control effectively. So they are constantly looking for ways to reduce our number.

However, the aspect of the Atlantic hegemony which most concerns us here is their affection for Zionism. That is, the need to remove all Jews back to the ‘holy land’. Nothing could be more anti Jewish than this, so of course anyone questioning it is an ‘antisemite’ , or if they are Jewish, a ‘self hating Jew’.

There is no practical reason at all for Zionism. Trying to force the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine has been hugely expensive, and hugely damaging to the Atlanticist states economic and strategic interests. It is totally a religious and occult obsession.

According to Christian dominionists, Jews who cannot be converted to Christianity must be moved back to the holy land. Once they are all there, then the end of time can happen and they will all be sent to hell. The chosen of God will then go up to heaven for awhile, and the earth will be destroyed and remade somehow. They will then be able to return rule the earth without being bothered by us icky normal people.

Of course this is a fairly dangerous belief system, if its adherents can gain influence over governments which own powerful militaries and weapons of mass destruction. As well, we have the Neo Malthusian types who simply want the human population reduced and kept at a low level.

So, it is hard to determine where the dog is at;  where the Zionist ‘command center’ is situated. The Israeli ‘Mossad’ secret service seems to be running the United States through the AIPAC group. (American Israel Political Action Committee). However, many people insist that the USA, Israel, and almost everything else to do with the Atlantic empire is run by the British intelligence services.

This claim may seem strange, but it has as much evidence to it as the idea that Israel runs everything. The Atlanticist empire has existed for three centuries and seems to have been run by the City of London for all that time. “City of London” is an enclosed area in central London which has acted as an independent mini state since the middle ages.

The idea has developed that because the American dollar is the world’s reserve currency, the center of the world’s economy is in New York. In fact it is still in London. All the dirty money still goes to London to get laundered and reinvested.

It could be argued endlessly as to whether the British tail is still wagging the American dog, or the reverse. Most of the ‘regime changes’ in the world still seem to be run by the British, not by the American CIA. They have had more experience at it than anyone else.

His majesty’s secret services trained the Mossad and the CIA. They are famous for using Jews and Jewish groups as proxies and covers for their dirty work. British reconnaissance aircraft are reporting to be directing the Israeli army in Gaza and Lebanon.

The point of this is not to prove what part of the Atlanticist hegemony is the tail and what part is the head. To repeat, power within it is decentralized. This is what makes it so hard to oppose, as the Russians and Chinese are noticing.

Again; the Global Hegemon will do almost anything to protect Israel. This is very bad news for non Jewish people living in or near areas under Israeli control. However, to defeat Israel is the best way for a global resistance to defeat the Atlanticists.

The reverse also holds, that the only way for the people who are seriously under attack from Israel to win and survive, is to catalyze a global resistance to Zionism and Atlanticism. So, they are working to globalize their intifada, to defeat Israel.

This global Intifada is starting to form, of people and nations trying to shake off the Atlantic hegemony. This is seriously frightening the Atlanticist elite.

So the Gaza conflict, violent as it is, is only a battle in a global war with a global empire. It seems like a miniature model of the fight which needs to be waged world wide. However, this post will not get into discussion of the tactics and strategies of winning this conflict.

Yet toward that a few general observations can be made. Strategic patience works against the Global Hegemon. So does attrition war.

These people can be predicted to be utterly inhuman in everything they do. They use their target’s basic humanity as a weapon. They do the most vicious things, counting on their enemy not to retaliate in kind.

In Gaza, the Israelis have been focussed on preventing the evacuation and treatment of wounded. They always attack medical and civil defence workers. They send threatening messages to them.

Yet Hamas has consistently stopped firing once an Israeli soldier is down. They do not fire on evacuation vehicles or helicopters. It is well demonstrated that all the civilian casualties of the October 7 raid were from the Israeli army, usually while executing the ‘Hannibal directive’; to shoot their own rather than let them be taken prisoner.

Israelis are starting the same thing in Lebanon. Hezbollah has the ability to cause huge civilian casualties and infrastructure damage. Yet it has, so far, confined itself to military targets.

This must be a very hard thing for Palestine and Lebanon soldiers and civilians. Yet it is working very well at turning public opinion worldwide against Israel. This greatly helps in globalizing the intifada.

On the battlefield in Ukraine, in Gaza, and now Lebanon, attrition war is very effective against the Globalist armies. These are not geared to fight this type of war. They expect quick victory due to imagined technical superiority.

So, we will see this type of fighting all over the globe for the rest of the decade. It is the global intifada. It might also be called the third world war.

The global elite is starting to crack. This always happens when they are in trouble; for example just before the second world war. Some of them will vow to blow up the world before they give up anything. Others worry about preserving their own wealth.

Thus, Zionism is feeling pressure from within the Hegemony to end the war. So far this is coming mostly from European countries, which are halting military support to Israel. As well, the reality of the West Asia situation is starting to break through the Atlanticist information bubble and reach the public within it.

This brings us to a final, very important point about the global intifada/world war. It is not going to end until the bases of the Atlantic Hegemony are eliminated. This is a very big topic but, briefly, it will require a revolution in the core Atlanticist countries.

The populations of these countries are all under thorough suppression on multiple levels. The suppression will start to break down as the Globalist’s financial system collapses. The Globalists are not going to be defeated primarily by military means, but by destroying their economic control of the world.

This financial destruction is well under way. At some point, the Atlanticist countries will be unable to import the goods and commodities to maintain their domestic economies. It will not be just about their money becoming worthless, but of other countries no longer using their exchange systems.

It will still be very hard for the public of these countries to create social governments without outside help. Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in South Lebanon, could not have overcome Israeli suppression without help from Iran, and some Arab countries.

To complete the global intifada, this old financial elite, built up during the centuries of the colonial empires, must be fully dismantled. They cannot be allowed to just recede into the background for awhile, like they did after world war two.

Countries cannot be run by and for an oligarchy, but to create the conditions for decent lives for their people. Toward this, all countries must have at the center of their money system a public bank.
Completing this global intifada entails disarming the United States, the final base for maintaining this global order which Zionism embeds in. Its government and economy must be reconstructed under international supervision. If this sounds delusional to you, I simply predict that the American and Israeli states will not exist by 2030.

We will see if I am right.

However, globalizing the Intifada, taking on the Zionist lobby in all the western countries, could go on a lot longer than that. We can defund their organizations. However, this ideology has been culturally dug in and passed down for generations, and not only among Jews.

Zionism will finally die out when a new generation no longer believes in it. Until then, an intifada must continue wherever Jews are settled. No violence or prejudice should be directed against them, but Zionist ideology cannot be tolerated.

Local authorities must be made to understand that advocacy for a Jewish state is, ipso facto, hate speech against all the people of West Asia. Only a multiethnic state, based on equal rights, can be allowed to stand on the land between the River and the Sea.

Now, to see what reaction this post gets from the thought police and the shadow ban.