Gaza; No Way Out

Gaza; No Way Out

October 20, 2023

It could not be clearer what side right is on.

The latest Gaza war has been rolling for over a week now. I have been watching the situation, making sure I understood things before commenting. But there is no way for me to avoid writing about it.

This is another step on the stairs to world war three. It has finally drawn attention away from the Ukraine disaster. It is occasion for me to finally blog out the truth and history of the Israel/ Palestine conflict.

Awhile back now I did a series of articles in a different forum on the history of the middle east troubles right back to Roman times. There is really no need to go into so much detail. The basic cause of all this trouble is that the land belongs to the Palestinians and the Israelis have no right to take it by force.

Hystorical fits

Nonetheless, to explain this situation there is no way out of a lengthy history lesson. First of all, there was never a “Jewish Diaspora” as imagined in modern times. The present day Palestinians are the descendants of the Jews of Roman times.

After the zealots revolt in AD 66, the Romans did what they always did to rebels. They killed them. They never exiled anyone to anywhere.

The Jews who did not fight the Romans remained where they were. They gradually became Christians as the empire became Christian. When the Arabs conquered Palestine, many of the Palestinians became Moslem.

When the crusaders came through, many married local girls, settled down, and added to the Christian population. The Mamelukes and the Turks ruled in turn. Then the British arrived in 1917.

Meanwhile, in the rest of the Roman Empire, migrants from the middle east converted many people to the old Mosaic religion. They formed many subsects within it. They were not exiles or prisoners, but migrants and refugees, going away from the drought, overpopulation, and political turmoil at that time in the Palestinian lands.

The Christian and Jewish religions coalesced at about the same time. They seem to have been more satisfying to many people than the old pantheistic religions. Judaism was more popular among the traders and artisans around the empire, while Christianity caught on among slaves and laborers.

Christianity gained political ascendancy within the empire. Judaism began to be seen as a rival and a threat. To placate Christian authorities, Jews stopped proselytizing and became an isolated and inwardly focused minority.

There is no direct connection between modern Jews and the land of Palestine, any more than there is for Christians. Subsects of Judaism came from the local populations where they developed. Ashkenazi Jews are Italians, Sephardic Jews are Berbers, Mizrahi Jews are Kurds, and Khazar Jews are Tartars.

All the above is confirmed by genetic studies of the populations in question.

The Ashkenazi Jews of Christian Europe were fiercely persecuted for many centuries. Some groups among them, in reaction to this, developed a subculture loosely described as Sabbatean. This engendered a hatred of non Jews, and a contempt for Jews who were prepared to coexist with them.

It is hard to describe these kinds of tendencies, because they are always very good at keeping their real ideas and actions hidden. They are mainly passed down in families. Most nationalities will develop these kinds of conspiratorial tendencies within them.

Such people seek and usually gain great power over other people. History cannot be understood without recognizing and following the manipulations of pathocratic people. That is, those who want to get and hold power by corrupting society.

The Sabbateans try to corrupt and destroy the majority cultures they live in. They manipulate other Jews into doing their will. Most importantly, they form alliances with pathocratic groups in these majority cultures, who always have aims similar to their own.

Other tendencies exist in Judaism. One, usually called reform Judaism, sought to integrate into the society in which they lived, getting along with it, and seeking to prosper by honest means. Another, usually called Orthodox Judaism, lived in closed societies in traditional ways, practicing pacifistic philosophies.

These latter two tendencies have always regarded the Sabbatean mentality as a blasphemy. Considering Jews to be above other people was not accepted. The Orthodox especially opposed the idea of Zionism, creating a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

Zionism is a Sabbatean project, but it was inspired by Christians. Many pathocratic tendencies among Christians base their power on fanatic religion. Many of these religions have a millennial ideology; a belief in an end time when the chosen of God will be ‘raptured up’ to heaven and all us wicked people destroyed.

Many of these millennial religions include the idea that before the end time and the rapture can occur, the Jews must all be gathered together in the ‘holy land’. The Zionist movement seems to have originated with Christian Millennials, who sold powerful Jewish financialists of a secret Sabbatean sect on the idea. These Jewish financiers saw some advantage in a Zionist project.

Antisemitism is the idea that most problems in the world originate with powerful and pathocratic Jewish financiers. Global financial capitalism is a powerful and destructive force, but it is not particularly Jewish. Christian financial capitalists are more numerous and just as vicious.

In fact, Jews got into the money lending business in the middle ages because charging interest became illegal for Christians. The Christian money lenders needed fronts.This also made the Jews handy scapegoats for the problems caused by inequitable distribution of wealth.

A homeland on someone else’s land

So we come to year 1917, the British conquest of Palestine, and the Balfour declaration. Actually, Balfour did not produce a declaration, just an internal cabinet briefing document. Until then, the Zionist idea had fizzled among Jews, and with the Ottoman Turkish government.

The basic problem was that the land the Zionists wanted was already well inhabited. The inhabitants had been there thousands of years and had no interest in moving anywhere else.

The British colonial authorities found they had an impossible job governing Palestine. The powerful Zionist lobby in London pressured them to allow the thuggish Zionist colonizers to come in and grab land for Jewish settlement. Of course, the project was very unpopular among Palestinians, Moslems in other countries, and even to public opinion in Christian countries.

However, as antisemitism rose in Europe, there began to be more Jewish interest in going to Palestine. Then after the world war, millions of Jewish refugees no one wanted because they might be leftist, were sitting in refugee camps all over Europe.

The pressure became too much for the British, who just cut and ran, under a thin cover of a United Nations declaration about ‘partitioning’ Palestine among Jews and others. This resulted in a genocidal massacre and displacement of Palestine by murderous Zionist militias, and establishment of a state called ‘Israel’.

Now we get to the toxic topic of “The Holocaust”. The Zionist false narrative about it is probably the most intensely protected on earth. People are labelled ‘deniers’, slandered, their lives wrecked, even jailed, for questioning it.

Yet there is no way out of telling the truth about the Jews and the world war, if we are going to understand the present Gaza situation. The Nazis and Zionists were good friends. Zionist bankers had helped fund their takeover of Germany.

Hitler never had a plan to exterminate the entire Jewish people. The Zionists wanted the numbers of those Jewish sects who objected to them to be reduced as much as possible. But the agenda was to move the European Jewish population to camps in Russia, and from there, once Hitler had finished with the British, move them to Palestine.

The Zionists had instigated the rise of antisemitism in Europe, and encouraged the Nazis to be harsh in dealing with Jews, so as to drive in the Jewish Zionists message to their fellow Jews that they would never be safe except in Palestine. The bigger problem was that the Nazis were not always in good control of their subordinates and allies. Fanatic nationalists in various places carried out their own local genocide of Jews.

Research into census information from the effected countries shows that about one million Jews died as a result of the second world war. Many died of starvation and disease. The gas chamber and human soap bar stories are stupid.

The Zionists had a problem when Hitler, against their expectations, lost the war. They had to prevent Jewish refugees from settling anywhere else, and to finance an expensive war, to finally get what they wanted. In 1948, they were prevented from completing the ethnic cleansing of Palestine which they had wanted, which is the basis for the present conflict.

A Palestinian enclave continued to exist in the Nazareth triangle inside Israel. Concentrations of refugees existed in the West Bank and Gaza, which Israel was eventually forced to administer. The brutality of Zionist militias had already cost them much of the sympathy which the exaggerated holocaust had given them and so it was impossible for them to finish off Palestine.

After Israel’s near defeat in the 1973 war, many Israeli military and civilian leaders began taking a good look at the Zionist project. It was clear the Palestinians were never going away. Eventually Israel would lose its military edge over the surrounding Arab states.

Some of these people began to consider the ‘two state’ idea which the United Nations had when it committed the folly of partitioning Palestine. They talked with the Palestine Liberation organization, evacuated Gaza, and made plans to evacuate part of the West Bank.

The Zionist establishment reacted to regain control of their cherished project. More right wing governments came into office. This led to changes of personnel in the Israeli civil service, intelligence agency, and army officer corps.

Experienced people were replaced by unqualified people chosen for loyalty to radical Zionism. The Israeli state rapidly deteriorated. The education system began to be used to brainwash a generation to hate all non Jews.

After the assassination of the moderate prime minister, Yitzak Rabin, in 1995, the deterioration accelerated. The Israeli army was now incompetently led and demoralized, and was routed by Hezbollah in Lebanon in 2006.

In 2007, the Israeli army began a blockade of Gaza after Hamas defeated Fatah and took control there. It has now fought several conflicts with the Hamas militias. Each has been less successful for Israel than the last.


Hamas is an acronym for “Islamic Resistance Movement”. Israel helped form it as a way of containing the Fatah movement among Palestinians, which was vaguely leftist and secular. Fatah was originally a Palestinian resistance movement against Israel.

As a result of the “Oslo Accords”, Fatah was suckered into a deal to jointly administer Gaza and West Bank on an interim basis. Then the Israeli government turned to the right and left them trapped. Fatah has become very divided and corrupt, and a mere tool of Israeli occupation.

Hamas has support from outside Gaza. The Al Quds force helped them to find weapons and trainers, and to learn to get them into Gaza despite the Israeli blockade. The Hamas militia keeps getting more effective.

The Israelis can bomb and shell Gaza, causing death and misery among the civilian population there. However, it is almost impossible for an army to take a densely built area like Gaza without accepting serious casualties, which Israel cannot do. Israeli soldiers describe being pinned down as soon as they leave their armored vehicles, and unable to tell where the fire is coming from.

The Al Quds force is a branch of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. Its purpose is to organize people under attack by Israel to resist effectively. Eventually, this will bring about the collapse of Israel.

Iran is the enemy of Global Financial Capitalism because it is not under their control. Thus Israel and the United States are directed against it. In response, Iran has worked to bring down both these centers of Globalist power.

A military ring is closing around Israel. Iran has developed cheap and efficient rocket systems which Israel cannot counter. Al Quds force and its mentors are believed to be able to flatten Israel if necessary.

Israel has been losing the propaganda war with Hamas. Its military intelligence, affiliated with Zionist agencies all over the western world, have been famous for their style of propaganda, or “Hasbara”. It provides alternative explanations for its acts against Palestine, though they do not really make sense.

The Hasbara method is really about silencing all narratives except theirs. Opposition to Zionism is equated with Antisemitism. The Hasbara machine has destroyed not only people, but entire institutions and political parties. 

Nonetheless, opposition to Israel is growing world wide. Much of it is led by Jews in western countries, who have come to have little in common with Israeli Jews. They have started to realize that Israel’s behavior is making Jews all over the world unsafe.

Opposition to Israel and Zionism is closely linked to opposition to Globalism and Financial Imperialism. Of course, this is because the two phenomena are closely linked. The American populist right wing is hostile to both and is gaining power.

This is important because the Israeli economy is not and never can be viable. It lives on large subsidies and trade preferences from the USA. If these suddenly ended, Israel would collapse in months.


This was the situation when Hamas launched its surprise attack, operation Al Aqsa flood, on Israel. Due to the direction the new Israeli government was taken, they had no way out. Palestinians never do.

Israel has been making plans to demolish the Al Aqsa mosque, one of Islam’s most holy sites, so as to build the ‘third temple’ on the site. The Al Aqsa dome had been built over the site of the first two Jewish temples. This has long been an aim of extreme religious Zionist Jews.

Hamas had successfully deceived Israeli intelligence that they had given up trying to fight Israel and were no longer well prepared for a fight. When they struck they routed the Israeli perimeter defenses, killed Israeli soldiers in their beds, captured quantities of equipment, and took large numbers of hostages. They would have expected the Israeli government to massively overreact.

Hamas knows it can defeat any Israeli ground attack. It knows that massive civilian casualties would turn the whole world massively against Israel. It knows the huge rocket force its allies possess could devastate Israel.

Hamas also knows that Israel could literally starve Gaza to death. They control all fuel, food, electricity, medicines, and most water, going into Gaza. It also knows that most Gazans hardly care anymore.

Gaza has been kept in a situation of semi starvation for sixteen years. No matter what they do, they get bombed and shelled by Israel. Infrastructure is collapsing and the enclave will soon become uninhabitable.

The Gazans are under siege by a force which regards them as subhuman. They are like fish in a barrel. They have no way out.

To have passively avoided provoking Israel would have been useless. The Israeli military makes regular attacks on Gaza to show it can. And to repeat, Gaza is becoming uninhabitable. Wells are running dry. All infrastructure is failing because Israel will allow nothing to be repaired.

Some Israeli officials talk about a plan to move the Gazans into tents in the Sinai desert in Egypt. This is not serious. Israel does not want any more Palestinians in refugee camps outside Israel, which have been bases for maintaining Palestinian resistance and identity.

Israel want the Gazans under their control until they see a way to kill them all. This is how the people now in control in Israel are thinking. If the Gazans simply kept quiet, the Zionists would have come for them later, rather than sooner.

Realistically, Hamas and Gaza had no way out but to do what they did. It is the only thing which gives them any hope. They have shamed their allies to begin to act.

They have also caused Israel’s allies to start backing away from it. Russian support for Israel had been puzzling, but now they seem to have woke up. They now understand that Israel is the enemy of all nations.

The Israeli cabinet should understand that if they launch the ground attack into Gaza, they are starting a wider war which they will lose very badly. Netanyahu and some of his cabinet may not care. They are desperate to hold onto power to avoid arrest and prosecution for their embezzlement and other crimes.

However, most of the Israeli public is very sick of their government. People who had family members killed by Hamas are blaming Netanyahu. They want him to resign, and for Hama’s hostages to be freed peacefully.

Israel may eventually be forced to halt the attack on Gaza, exchange all hostages, and lift the siege. Their fanaticism and incompetence has put them once again in a situation where they have no way out. They will eventually have to back down, as many times before.

That is the optimistic view of it, mostly coming form outsiders. The new Israeli government may have a different idea this time.

The unthinkable

The Netanyahu government are little more than glorified gangsters.  They had already caused great unrest among the Israeli public by neutralizing the supreme court and ending many other democratic vestiges and civil rights. The real purpose of this is to remove any impediment to a “final solution” against Palestinians.

The Israeli public has been conditioned to dehumanize Palestinians. What this is a preparation for is not clear, but it is not good. At best, it is about forcing Palestinians out of all areas under Israeli control by violence and starvation. Yet Israel has found that large numbers of Palestinians sitting in refugee camps in areas outside their direct control also creates problems for them.

There is a frightening upsurge of violence by fanatic or psychopathic Jewish settlers against West Bank Palestinians. These people have gone beyond beating people up and burning crops. They have started shooting people on slight pretexts and burning houses down, often with the families inside.

Speaking of children, the victims of these lunatics now include over forty children. The murderers seem to have total impunity and the protection of Israeli police and army. Violence and harassment against West Bank Palestine is reported to be exploding since the start of this war.

The West Bank people have no protection at all. Unlike in Gaza they are under the rule of corrupt Fatah, which collaborates with the occupation. It is impossible for them to set up an effective militia force because they are scattered and landlocked.

Even the limited rights of Palestinians inside Israel have been removed since the present Israeli government came into office. As mentioned, the Israeli supreme court has been stripped of all power.

This present government is the distillation of a religious extremist tendency which has been growing in Israel since the paranoid turn after 1973. These people really do believe that Jews are superior to other people, and Palestinians are subhuman. Foreign journalists conducting street interviews have been shocked at the racist attitudes of much of the younger generation of Israelis.

Thus, no one should have been surprised at Israeli cabinet ministers calling Palestinians “Human Animals”. No one should be surprised when Israel launches a “Nakba 2.0”.

Nakba is the Palestinians word for the catastrophe of 1948. That was when the Zionists, over most of present Israel, murdered every Palestinian man, woman, or child who did not flee fast enough. Yet the present day Zionists seem to have something more than that in mind.

Lately the Israeli government has published maps of Israel which do not show the Palestinian territories. When questioned about this, Officials of the present Israeli government adopt a defiant, “so what” attitude. This gives an impression that something like Nakba 2.0 is being planned.

Eating Babies

Now there is no way out of dealing with the ferocious disinformation and counter disinformation storm ignited by the Gaza war. Globalists like to make up stories involving babies. It is a really good emotional trigger for the soft minded.

Iraq was throwing them out of incubators. The Taliban was raping them. Hamas is beheading or burning them. All these stories are shown to be nonsense but it does not matter to the boobs who believe whatever they are told.

Sound information is coming out that Israel is continuing to apply the infamous “Hannibal Protocol”, and that it applies to its own civilians as well as the military. That is, people are to be killed by their own side to prevent them being taken prisoner. As well, Israel will try to locate and kill its people who are held prisoner.

A large part of the Israeli dead from the operation seem to have been killed under a “Hannibal” directive. An account has leaked through Israeli censors, by a woman who was the sole survivor of a group of music concert attendees taken hostage by Hamas. The Hamas fighters tried using them as human shields and Israeli border police shot right through them to hit the Hamas people. 

About two hundred Israelis, mostly civilian, have been taken into Gaza. There are reports that twenty of them have already been killed by Israeli attacks. In the past, Israeli public pressure has usually forced a deal for release of hostages.

In the western, NATO counties, public officials are mostly aligned to the Globalist narrative which includes blind support for Israel and acceptance of anything it says. The public is also heavily propagandized by the Hasbara stories. Thus all media are full of people howling like Zombies against Hamas and demanding a massacre of Gazans.

Most of the atrocity stories put out by the Hasbara machine are quickly shown up as nonsense, yet keep being repeated. Actual atrocities committed by Israel against Palestinians are well authenticated but blanked out of all mainstream media. Fanatic Israeli settlers in the West Bank have gone from attacking Palestinians to outright murdering men, women, and children with no consequences.

Nonetheless, the Hasbara is failing in Canada and other ‘western’ countries. This follows with the disillusionment of most of the public with their ruling elites. Authorities are frantically trying to stop pro Palestinian independent media coverage, and street demonstrations in support of Palestine.

Rallies in support of Israel are now massively outnumbered by those backing Gaza. Outside of the western bubble, there is no sympathy for Israel at all, even among elites. Even Russia and China have given up on trying be neutral, stating that Israeli action goes far beyond ‘self defence.’

End Game

Israel claims to be preparing a ground invasion of Gaza. Meanwhile it is doing the typical Israeli things; bombing hospitals, dropping white phosphorus in inhabited areas, shooting at ambulances, and preventing emergency supplies from getting in. It is telling the people to go to places and then bombing the places.

Hamas so far has dealt easily with Israeli raiding attempts. Hezbollah in Lebanon has mobilized and is exchanging shots with Israel along the border. Iran has announced it will take some unspecified actions if Israel starts a ground attack.

Israels actions have blown up all its diplomacy to normalize relations with Arab states and get them to abandon Palestine. Saudi Arabia has told them that diplomatic recognition is off indefinitely. Russia has been suspicious of Hamas but has now turned sharply against Israel.

This is another situation where it could be debated who is getting played. Hamas may be seen as giving Israel the excuse to attack it. Iran may be giving Israel the excuse it wants to attack it, or rather get the Americans to attack it.

So far, Israel’s actions have rebounded against it. Yet the Americans are still on their side, so they may not care. They have the war they want.

Yet sometimes the best way to destroy a stupid enemy is to give him exactly what he thinks he wants. Consider how things have played out for Ukraine after it succeeded in goading Russia to “invade”. Both Israel and the Americans are known to greatly overestimate their military capabilities.

The Pentagon has admitted it is totally unprepared for a war with Iran. Iran has stated that it is no longer going to tolerate Israeli attacks on the Palestinians. They do not say what they are going to do about it.

Iran has a very strong military. They have started moving some of it up to the border with Iraq, where there is a small American force which the Iraqis wish would go away. They already have some forces inside Syria.

Iran has developed a very powerful missile force, including hypersonic missiles which can reach Israel. ‘Hypersonic’ means the missile can travel so fast no air defense can stop it. Iranian missiles and drones are so good they are selling them to the Russians, who use them in Ukraine.

Israel has nuclear weapons. In recent years, nuclear weapons to not seem so useful, especially against neighboring countries. Use them and the fallout blowback kills you too. As missile technology improves, countries like Iran could obliterate cities with missiles armed with non nuclear weapons.

Two years ago the Americans assassinated the Iranian general Soliemani, who commanded the Quds force. He was responsible for the strategy which is now being played out to defeat Israel and trigger its collapse. A recent graphic circulating the net shows his ghost looking down with satisfaction at the chaos now enveloping Israel.

The Hasbaras make much of the statements of Iran and its allies that the Israeli state must disappear and be replaced by a multiethnic state. This confuses the rights of people to live with the rights of states to exist. States are not people; they go in and out of existence all the time.

The issue Iran and friends have with Israel’s existence is that it is based on conquest and occupation of land, and maintaining the dominance of one people over another. Thus it can never achieve internal stability or recognized borders. It is a constant danger to other countries in the region.

Israel will never be economically viable. It would collapse in months without subsidies from abroad. It is cut off from its surroundings and too far from any potential markets.

Israel has no future. It is the most dangerous place on earth to be a Jew. Its behavior stirs up disgust and antisemitism all over the world, thus creating danger for the world’s Jewish community.

These are the points the Hamas leaders considered when they decided to launch operation ‘Al Quds flood’. It might on its surface look like suicide, but the Gazan population is being set up for elimination anyway. They cannot leave Gaza and they cannot go on living there as it is.

The Gazans have no way out. Their choice is to die quick or die slow. The first option gives the best chance of survival.