Gaza and Zionism

Gaza and Zionism

January 8, 2024

This war will end badly for Israel.

It is time to blog some more about the Gaza war. I have been in a few e-mail and comments box arguments about the conflict, sometimes with friends and acquaintances. Or ex friends.

I am very sick of the Zionist Hasbara propaganda. It is always the same points and the same methods, clearly from the same massive propaganda network. To keep refuting the same thing over and over, pointing out the same dishonest tactics over and over, endlessly debunking it point by point by freaking point, is stupid and futile.

All of it has been debunked a million times before. The younger generation does not buy it anymore. Some parts of the population whose brains come with a rethink function are now using that function in relation to events now happening in Palestine.

For the rest of the Zionist sympathizers, I think they will have to die out. It is now looking like Israel will expire before a lot of these people. No doubt that will be a big trauma for them.

The reality has always been, that Israel is a project of Billionaire Jews with Sabbatean ideas, and Billionaire Christians with dominionist religious obsessions. The idea is that the Jews have to gather in the holy land for the end time to occur. These people created both the Zionists and the Nazis.


The Zionists and Nazis have always got along very well together. The Zionist thought policing organizations need to be asked why they have had no problem with Nazi groups being settled in Canada. Moreover, why they do not question them building monuments to Nazi leaders, and especially for exerting so much influence in Canada.

They need to be asked why Israel has no problem with the regime in Ukraine. These are people who revere the Nazi auxiliaries of the world war, people who massacred Jews in the hundreds of thousands, as national heroes and the spiritual founders of their movements. Their elite, ‘punisher’ military units all wear Nazi symbols as tattoos and regalia.

Yet this regime has no problem anymore with Jews. They seek more assistance from Israel. Many of their key figures have some Jewish ancestry or claim Jewish heritage, hide their ill gotten gains in Israel, maintain homes there as refuges for when their game is up in Ukraine.

Zionism and Naziism were always joined at the hip. Their joint project in world war two was not, of course, to exterminate the European Jewish population. It was to force them to move to Palestine, but also to break down old social relations among Jews and reduce the numbers of the wrong kinds of Jews, from the Zionist perspective.

When this truth finally becomes widely understood, the Zionists and their project are finished. Thus, there are very few lies which are more massively and aggressively kept in place than the conventional holocaust story. Not that it was not indeed a holocaust, but twisted holocaust stories lay the basis for new holocausts, not for peace.

I will here make another brief comment on digging out the truth about this event. A depressing thing about this is having to give Naziism credibility it does not really deserve. But the people with the information were former Nazis who still buy into much of the ideology, but now feel used and betrayed by that movement. These days of course, it is the descendants of such people.

A sad truth about investigating any crime is that the people with the information about it are often sordid people. Often they are people who were taken in and then betrayed and disillusioned. This is true on the Zionist side of this event as well.

The truth is that a lot of Jews died before their time because of the Zionist/Nazi project. Yet the gas chamber story is nonsense. rather, they often died of starvation and disease due to incompetent management of the concentration camps.

They died when they became involved with resistance movements against Nazi occupations. They were often murdered by mobs, incited by antisemitic propaganda. Often they were murdered by such gangs after they had been freed from the camps by allied forces.

The Zionist State

Eventually a lot of Jews were moved to Palestine, often not of their own free will. A Jewish state was established by the murder and expulsion of the indigenous population. The only reason there are any living Palestinians in Israel is that the Haganah and Irgun murderers were not able to get to the Nazareth triangle before the war ended.

World public outrage had risen against these massacres. Intense and well funded propaganda put the outrage back to sleep. The next generation had forgotten this and come to accept the Zionist version of events.

So Israel has persisted for 75 years but could never survive on its own. It has always been massively supported by the Global financial oligarchy, of which the Zionist backers and funders are prominent members. Thus Israeli Zionists have long learned that it can do almost anything it wants with no consequences.

They have developed an atomic bomb. Their secret service goes around murdering people all over the world. It totally disregards international law and the laws and sovereignty of other countries.

It treats its Arab minority as second class citizens. Lately it has removed almost all the limited rights they had. Corrupt Arab governments sold out the Palestinians and their own publics, and made deals with the Zionists and their US supporters.

The worst thing about Zionism is that it has kept evolving into uglier forms. There were the original Zionists. Then came the labor Zionists who were a little ashamed of what they did in 1948 and decided they could tolerate Arabs as long as Jews were the majority.

But the revisionist or religious Zionists grew in numbers and influence. They gradually took over Israel. They gradually indoctrinated the population in their ideology.


The war is happening now because the most extreme ideology has taken over Israel. They want to kill all Palestinians, not just drive them out. However, the Israeli army has become useless, trained only to police the Palestinians, unable to fight a war with a real army.

Hamas has beaten them in the streets of Gaza. Hezbollah routed the Israelis in 2000 and ended Zionist occupation there. They did it again in 2006 when Israel tried to reinvade Lebanon. They will do it again if Israel attacks them again.

All Israel has is an air force, provided by the USA with which it can level cities and slaughter civilians. It has only a small navy. A sea blockade by impoverished Yemen is increasingly effective against it.

The Israeli economy is collapsing. No one will trade, invest, or travel there. There is a huge labor shortage because most young, able people are in the army even if most of them are unwilling to fight.

Israel has become a totally sick society, with children singing songs on TV about murdering Palestinians. Almost everything they say about the Palestinian attitude to Jews is sociopathic inversion of their own attitudes and intentions to Palestinians.

the end time

Israel is going to collapse. There is going to be a Palestinian state from the Jordan to the sea. That is, if the whole area is not turned into a nuclear wasteland.

Some believe Jews should be allowed to remain if they accept the Palestinian state and the rights of the majority. I cannot imagine how Israelis will ever be accepted in Palestine after what they have done. I think the model for how the Zionist adventure will end is the Algerian revolution.

France ruled Algeria for over a century. It tried to encourage European settlement into the country, to create a French province. The native Berbers were pushed off the best land and treated as second class citizens, with efforts made to reduce their birthrate.

A revolt began in 1954 and led to the French government giving up in 1962. The basic cause and result of this fight are very similar to the Palestinian struggle, though the way it played out was very different. It will baffle Zionist supporters to read this, but the Palestinian leaders are much more humane and democratic in their methods than the leaders of the Algerian revolt.

The French settlers in Algeria, the “Pieds Noirs” or “Black Feet” had similarities to Israelis. They were ignorant and socially backward. They regarded the displaced population with utter contempt and engaged in increasingly violent vigilantism against them.

When the peace talks came around, the French tried to get from the rebel leaders guarantees of the civil rights of the Black Feet. The rebel leader, Ben Bella, issued his own prescription for them; “Suitcase or Coffin.” They chose the suitcase.

It is not my place to tell Palestinians what they should do about the settlers. However, I cannot imagine how Israelis and Palestinians will ever live together after what the former have done, and their ingrained attitude toward the latter. I know if I were a Palestinian I would never live with them.

A “two state solution” is a “make belief” solution. One of the two states will have most of the territory, military and economic dominance, and control of the other’s external transport and communication lines. The other would be split into two discontinuous areas.

There are several million Palestinians living in camps near Palestine, or who have migrated further abroad. They are going to want their land back, or at least someplace where they can live in their own country. Where will the Jewish settlers move to when the owners move back in?

Clearly, it will be some form of “suitcase or coffin” solution for the Zionist settlers. It could be more gradual and less violent than that applied to the Black Feet. But reality is that Israel will be dissolved, a Palestinian state established “From the River to the Sea”, and Jews will be a steadily decreasing part of the population.

The Century of Solitude

The question is, where will seven million Israeli Jews go to? Who will want to take in such disgusting people? Even the diaspora Jews are coming to loath them.

The Black Feet moved back to France. There, they were not well liked by other French. They have been considered a source of right wing extremism and intolerance toward minorities.

What is wrong with Israelis is similar to what was and is wrong with the Black Feet and with some other settler people like the Boer Afrikaners. When a population becomes isolated, cut off from developments in the mainstream of humanity, it becomes conservative, intolerant, and inward looking. When it starts exploiting an indigenous population, it begins to fear them, see them as inferior, and become militarized so as to keep them under control.

It gets really bad when a settler people is not even interested in economic exploitation, but simply wants to drive the indigenous population away. Analogies to this are the way North American or Australian indigenous peoples were frequently treated. The dominant people start seeing the subjugated people as subhuman, and begin working themselves into a frame of mind where mass extermination becomes conceivable.

There is a very interesting novel, called “One Hundred Years of Solitude”. It is set in Latin America. In it a settlement was established in an isolated place by people wishing to be away from the troubles of their time. What these people really did was bring the bad ideas of the larger society of that time with them.

As they were isolated from all cultural developments in the outside world, all these toxic tendencies were preserved and reinforced. They became extremely ignorant, such that they finally broke down socially. People from the larger society, which had progressed during the century, were disgusted by them.

Israeli society is the product of such a “Century of Solitude”. They have been refining a toxic culture since the first large wave of Zionist settlers arrived after the Balfour non declaration and the beginning of the British Mandate. The Zionist elite has been driving a program of isolation from non Jews, and hostility specifically to the Palestinians, expecting that they would just go away.

The Israeli Jews came mainly from Eastern Europe and brought with them the harmful ideas already developed there. They had been forced into ghettos and ‘shtetls’ and kept away form the large cities and the mainstream of society. As suppressed people, they came to act in ways which reinforced their isolation and suppression.

In Israel they have further consolidated these social tendencies, especially those which antagonize other people. Thus, they never created a Jewish homeland, just an ultimate ghetto for themselves. They are a “Shtetl with an air force”. Worse, subsidized by the global oligarchy, they have lost their industriousness.

On the other hand, what Zionists call ‘exilic’ Jews, who commonly call themselves reform Jews, got the right idea. When they could free themselves from ghettoization, they moved to countries practicing religious tolerance. They have learned to integrate into society wherever they live.

Thus the real Jewish homelands are in new countries, settler countries, where resettlement can actually work. Basically, this is the Americas,including Canada, plus Australia, which is mostly rid of ethnic and religious nationalism. Productive and law abiding newcomers are welcomed here.

The big problem with this, for the Zionists, is that they begin to intermarry with non Jews and start to lose their separate identity. Of course, this is one of the big things Zionism started out to prevent. Even in advanced, western countries, Jews who marry non Jews are often bothered by other Jews with Zionist tendencies.

Therefore, where the Israeli or ‘Aliyah’ Jews will go to, when the Zionist adventure is over, is still a big question. They have become very different from the non Israeli, ‘Diaspora’, ‘Exilic’ Jews, who increasingly dislike them. They may have a hard time integrating into even the very tolerant western countries.

No country really wants to take in people who have decided they are above other people. Especially, ones have developed such a tendency to viciously attack anyone questioning them. Maybe we can give them Antarctica as a homeland.

Zionism vs The World

The really frightening thing about this war is the way the western countries are so totally subservient to the Zionists, against their own interests. It is not just a matter of an ‘Israeli lobby’ having clout in the United States. It is demonstrating who really rules the western world.

Creating and maintaining this Jewish state on Palestinian land is a huge priority for the Western, Global Financialist elite. It is stupid to say it is just a matter of ‘Jewish bankers’ ruling the world. It somehow has some symbolic and religious significance to a billionaire class, including Christians and even atheists.

As we have seen in Ukraine and now with Israel, the West is increasingly getting itself locked into wars it cannot win. With Ukraine, the writing is on the wall. With the Gaza conflict, it is harder to predict how it will go.

It can safely be said that the Gaza invasion will not end well for Israel. However, it is really distressing to realize that it will likely end with the death of most of the population of Gaza. No response can be put together in time to stop the Israelis.

The Iranians clearly have a plan for destroying Israel, but it will take time to implement. None of Israel’s enemies seemed to anticipate how vicious global Zionism would be when challenged in this way. This will at least hasten Israel’s downfall.

However, it makes things much more dangerous for Iran. The Iranians are able to create a nuclear weapon in months if they had to. They may regret not doing so before.

A regional conflict is getting rolling in South West Asia, with a large number of very unstable and unpredictable pieces in play. Iranians are the people who invented chess but strategy is not much good in such an environment, and against such an irrational and unstable opponent. The best strategy in such cases is to let the opponent defeat himself.

Israel, or rather global Zionism, is doing a good job of that. The Israeli economy will totally collapse but since they are mainly funded and supplied by the Americans, this will make little difference in their willingness or ability to wage war. However, the American economy is also under strain and will not be able to keep supporting its ‘proxies’ for long.

Israel has the idea it is going to fight its enemies one at a time. It thinks it will get a truce with Hezbollah on the Lebanon border, while it continues killing the Gazan people. Hezbollah is not that stupid.


Another big piece on this chessboard is Egypt. It is a large nation with a strong military, right on Israel’s border. Whatever supplies are getting into Gaza comes in through Egypt’s border with Gaza, at the Rafah crossing.

Egypt does not like the Hamas government, or the Palestinians. It has a strong class system with a secularly based elite, which has suppressed religiously based political movements, such as Hamas. They have a maxim that they do not want to bleed for the Palestinians.

Egypt continues to allow Israeli army inspectors to check everything which goes into Gaza. It continues to eat shit whenever Israel carries on its practice of regularly insulting and provoking its allies and neutral countries, seemingly just to test the reaction. However, at some point Egypt will come to a decision point, and they have three options.

They can simply wait it out and let Israel kill the Gazans. They can give in and do what Israel wants from them, which is to let the Gazans into Egypt. Or, they can use their army.

The Egyptian army is not considered to be very good. It has been beaten several times by Israel in short wars. However, it is not as bad as generally assumed and did not do that badly against Israel in the 1973 tussle.

In recent years it has improved, while the fighting ability of the Israeli army has declined. Egypt now has a good air defence missile system, sold to it by Russia. If the Egyptian elite were determined to hang in with a protracted war with Israel, they would win, but would suffer great losses.

locked into war

As old Machiavelli said; “Wars begin when you choose but do not end when you please”. The Israeli government has started a war it cannot win and cannot get out of. It is already starting to collapse.

Advances in missile technology have greatly changed war. A good missile defence system can neutralize air power. Navies, except for submarines, are becoming obsolete.

Israel’s real strength has been its American supplied air force. But this does not scare Hamas and Hezbollah in their tunnels. Moslem armies which can get modern air defences would have some confidence against Israel.

Thus, the end will come for Israel when Russia finally supplies the “axis of resistance” countries with the air and coastal defences they need. Russia is the essential element to make a unified defence against Israel click. Thus, Russia is the only power which could stop the war.

Eventually Russia will have to get into this, or lose the credibility and good will it has built up in the region. The Russian government has finally discarded the idea that Israel is an ally. They have been hostile to Hamas and Hezbollah, but are now starting to understand them.

Russian support will also solve the basic problem among those nations who now see that Israel will always be a danger to them and how they must neutralize it. That is, they do not trust each other. They will not let each other’s armies cross their territories, or create any joint commands.

Meanwhile, some members of the Israeli war cabinet are refusing to attend meetings. They are likely to soon throw Netanyahu out of office, but that will not solve the problem. Any other possible governing coalition would be about as vicious.

The Israeli public is now enraged. Large demonstrations are demanding that the government do something to get the hostages released. Yet they are mostly against accepting the rights of Palestinians and think not enough firepower is being used yet on Gaza.

It is as if they want the war but do not want the hardships caused by it. Israeli casualties are far larger than the government is admitting. Entire army units are being disbanded because they refuse to fight.

Inside western countries, especially the Anglosphere, the public is starting to see who really rules them. It is odd that, of all the disgusting things the ruling elites have been doing, this is what catalyses full rejection of the present system. Still the American government does what it wants, and has no interest in the public’s desires or even American national interests.

The whole world is seething in rage against Israel and the United States. America can no longer exert any influence or ‘soft power’. The downfall of the American dollar based trade system is being accelerated.

Israel is incapable of stopping until the Americans order them to, and cut off supplies of weapons, munitions, and money. The American government is starting to panic. Yet it no longer seems in control of American foreign and defence policy.


The war will not stop until Israel cannot maintain the siege any more, or until every Gazan is dead or in exile. Since there seems to be no place for them to go to, they must inevitably die. We are near the point where starvation, disease, and lack of shelter and medicine, will kill more people than Israeli weapons.

As I said when I first began writing about the Gaza war, there is nothing the Gazans can do which will satisfy Israel. It wants them removed, one way or another. Well before the Hamas attack into Israel, Gaza was being slowly and systematically made uninhabitable.

The war has only speeded the process up. As I wrote, the Gazans had the choice to die slow, or die quick with some chance of survival. However horrible their condition is now, it has drawn the world’s attention to their plight, and opened up for them a chance to survive and finally win.

I am amazed at the Gazans. Faced with extermination, they are not breaking. They seem mostly to have adopted a distinctly moslem idea of martyrdom.

A martyr is a messenger to God. He or she speaks in heaven about what happened on earth and pleads for divine justice. Gazans seem to be saying; “let Israel kill us, we will not give in, we will stay and be martyrs and God will avenge us.”

I am not a religious person. I would rather people did not have to die to get justice. Yet this idea seems to enable the Gazans to get through a situation they cannot get out of.

The Gazans are not fighting and stealing from each other to get food and water. They try to help each other. They mostly remain civilized.

Israeli troops keep taking Gazan civilians prisoner, including women, for no apparent reason. They are often beaten and stripped down to underwear, humiliated in every way, again for no evident reason other than for the Israelis to show that they can. Many observers have noted that these people do not break down in these situations, but continue to hold their heads up.


There is much to write about the Gazan situation. My next blog post about it will be on how the iron ring is closing on Israel. They are being encircled militarily, blockaded and condemned.

Here are some links for you. First, here is the text of the South African indictment of Israel at the International Court of Justice. It is heavy reading but contains interesting details about the actions and utterances of Israeli officials.

I am not a fan of international law. It has no enforcement mechanism. It is mostly about what some people would like the world to be.

However, a legal case against the Israeli government is a very good way of bringing out the truth about the situation. It will keep the plight of the Gazans in the public spotlight. This is why the Israelis are so angered by it.

Click to access South-Africa-v-Israel.pdf

Here is a very good short documentary about how degenerate Israeli society has become. It is from Double Down News. This topic is worth a future blog post.

It is also a warning to other western societies being dominated by Zionists and people with a similar mentality. A fish rots from the head down. When the kind of corrupt people who respect no limits gain control of a society, then the whole society is corrupted without limits.