For Greenhouse Gasbags

For Greenhouse Gasbags

January 27, 2024

They are the biggest threat to the Biosphere.

I wrote this piece some time ago as a series of articles. It has gotten some reads. It has become clear it is time to revise and repost it.

The three sided struggle for the planet

Arguments about the danger to the biosphere fall into three camps. They correspond to the three tendencies fighting for control on planet earth right now. There is the Globalist/Financialist/Climate camp, the Industrial Capitalist/ growth at all costs camp, and the public interest/environmental camp.

Understanding these three vectors is the key to understanding all politics in the world. To discuss real current issues requires explaining this constantly. However, this article will focus on debunking the first vector, the Climate and Globalist camp.

Globalists are the people who drive the brainwashing about ‘climate’. What that is about is an agenda to sharply reduce the earth’s population according to Malthusian ideas. If all this is incomprehensible, keep reading and it will become clear.

The Industrialists, on the other hand, deny there is any environmental problem at all. Limitless expansion is possible in a limited world. If not curbed, they will degrade the earth’s resources to a point where present civilization cannot be maintained.

Then there are the normal people. These are the people who want the public’s interest protected. The biggest public interest is in managing an economy and natural resources so that there is enough for everybody, without degrading the earth’s resource base.

I am in the camp of “there is plenty for everyone, now and it the future, if things are managed right.” Opposing this is the Industrialist; “humans are a big cattle herd, earth is to be plundered, the future does not matter.” The third side of this is the Globalist; “You are all a plague on earth, most of you should die so we can have it all for ourselves”.

Until recently the Globalists seem to have had the upper hand in this. Their main tactic is to promote the phony idea that the atmosphere is heating up due to increased use of “fossil fuels”. Therefore we have to accept a sharp decline in standard of living.

We are not supposed to notice until too late that such a decline in living standards will not permit most us to live. They have other plans for reducing the earth’s population as well. They have introduced an engineered virus and obstructed efforts to mitigate it. They are working at reducing fertility and intelligence in selected populations.

These people currently have the earth’s publics, especially in the Atlantic countries, thoroughly disorganized and confused. They are good at that. Human societies must learn to overcome their methods and develop real democracies.

The climateers have the edge over the industrialists, the classic capitalists. The industrialists are not very good at long range strategizing, or at organizing. However, as long as the other two sides of this triangle do not get in the way of the industrial capitalist profit extracting activities, they usually do not care.

These activities are very harmful to society, and often destructive and depleting to the natural environment. They are a great threat to the biosphere. The public has a great interest in regulating and restricting these activities.

Globalist financial capitalists have less interest in directly confronting industrialists. They seem to have decided that the environmental degradation is not a great threat to them. Their population reduction plans will solve this problem in time and there will still be plenty for them.

Globalists are more concerned about keeping populations immobilized so they can continue their plans to reduce and eliminate us. They do this by creating false narratives and drilling them into people’s heads by massive disinformation campaigns and building networks of fanatical enforcers. The main narrative is the twin ideas that rising earth temperatures are caused by increasing discharge of CO2 into the atmosphere, and that this warming is a problem rather than a benefit.

Foremost of the sinister effects of this disinformation is that it draws attention away from the real threats to the biosphere. These will be discussed below. Thus, conflict between Globalism and humanity is in large part a fight between climate ‘science’ and environmental science.

Climate vs Environment

When we talk about dangers to the biosphere, people talking ‘climate’ are boobs or bullshitters. People talking about ‘environment’ are generally genuine. Years ago we had a vigorous environmental movement which created many of the protections we still have.

This movement has been partly coopted or destroyed by the ecofascist movement driving the false ‘global warming’ trope. Despite the intense cognitive jamming going on to bully the public to think things are happening which are not, many people are up to challenging this. Fortunately, they are usually able to sidestep becoming dupes for those industrialist/productivist interests which will try to discredit legitimate environmental causes.

They are most often people like me who have been around for awhile and noticed some things. The first is that, while there have been changes over time, the weather is not getting noticeably hotter over all. In fact, in the great lakes area of Canada, summers have been cooler since 2010.

Another thing many old timers notice is that short term weather forecasts have become less accurate. It as if the new generation of meteorologists are trying to apply formulas or assumptions which do not work. Especially, they do not seem to allow for the urban heat island effect.

For, lo, these many years we have been hearing all these dire predictions of what will happen in a few years if something is not done now. They never come to pass. In fact, some of us remember when the panic about global cooling was being pushed just as aggressively and hysterically, and for similar motives.

We were all going to wake up one morning buried under a mile of ice. So, we had to stop burning fuel because it put smoke and dust into the air, blocking the sun. Around 1980 the neoMalthusians completely flipped their script around so that burning fuel would warm us up.

How Climate actually works

No one is sure what is going on with the atmosphere because all serious research is obstructed by the Climate thought police. However, it has long been understood that the climatic patterns, local and global, are constantly changing. The basic facts of how the atmosphere works were once taught in grade schools.

I learned in grade school science class that CO2 gas is essential to all life on the planet. Plants take in CO2, use the carbon in it to grow and make food for animals, and release free oxygen for we animals to breathe. We then breathe the oxygen to metabolize our food and give us energy to move, and give off CO2.

I learned some other information about ‘Carbon’ later in life. Calling it carbon makes it sound worse that ‘carbon dioxide gas’. If the level of CO2 in the atmosphere dropped to about 180 ppm, plant life on earth would end. During the last ice age it was at about 220 ppm. It is presently 420 ppm. In the dinosaur age it may have been over 1000ppm.

The increase in atmospheric CO2 has led to an increase in plant life. Warmer weather in the last century has also had this effect. It has also made the earth more humid. Deserts have been shrinking all over the world.

Regarding this, I also learned another natural law in grade school. It has also never been repealed by the neoMalthusian lords of earth. CO2 has nothing at all to do with the earth’s temperature. Nothing on earth controls the overall temperature of the planet.

We depend totally on the cycles of the sun. This seems to be particularly disturbing to many people. But an enormous amount of scientific work has gone into studying the solar cycles, the effect they have on the earth’s temperature and climate, and the effect this has had on all human history.

There are two types of cycles. Some relate to the ‘sunspot’ cycles on the sun, effecting how much energy it gives off. Some have to do with earth’s orbit, bringing us closer or further from the sun, and tilting the earth’s axis.

There are a lot of these cycles, of different lengths. For example, we are in the downward, cooling slope of short cycle number 25. Another important cycle began about 1850, peaked in the 1930’s, and is also on a cooling slope.

The hottest year on record, by the way, was 1935. I mean in the real atmospheric records, not the phony ones cooked up by the ‘climate scientists’. These have to be carefully protected by conscientious people because the globalist thought police are constantly trying to destroy them.

Mother Earth does, however, have ways of moderating the effects on surface temperature that come from the earth, such as volcanos, forest fires, or human economic activity. We have another important natural cycle; the evaporation cycle.

The temperature lowers, the evaporation rate lowers, clouds decrease, which reflects back less of the solar energy, raising temperatures again. When temperatures rise, this cycle goes in reverse. There is much more water vapor in the atmosphere than CO2, so this effect would massively overwhelm any effects from CO2. Water vapor is the main ‘greenhouse gas’.

Thus we see that the world’s climate is a much more complicated topic than the warming fanatics imagine. There is much to be studied about it. It is important to study it.

It is very hard to study it because the very powerful people driving the ‘warming’ disinformation do not want it to be studied. Nonetheless the real scientists find ways to do real science regarding earth’s environment.

One interesting subject is the effects of atmospheric aerosols on climate. That is, all the microscopic particles which float in the air. Science has long known that they are important to cloud formation. It is becoming known that they are important for ice formation as well.

This could give us an explanation for retreating glaciers in many places which actually makes sense. The questions then are whether aerosols are decreasing in the atmosphere and how this is effected by burning fewer fossil fuels. This is among many important issues which need to be looked into, but which do not fit with the globalist neoMalthusian narrative.

The Globalist Agenda

I will now explain what I mean by ‘neoMalthusian’ and how it relates to globalism. Basically, this is the ideology behind the people who drive this ‘warming’ agenda. I will introduce old Malthus further on in this.

NeoMalthusians have two main motives. One is that they want to gain tight control of the world’s resources and energy flows so as to be able to restrict and reduce the population. They would like to see the world’s population reduced to only about half a billion; just enough to service their needs. The rest of us are just a plague on the planet, using too much resources.

The second motive seems somewhat contradictory to the aims of the first, but really is not. They want to distract attention away from the real damage to the environment which out of control capitalism is causing. Rather than reduce their use of resources, they want it all for themselves.

These people are real and they really do talk like this among themselves. They seem to have the idea that reducing the population will enable them to maintain the same basic political and economic system which they have built, but without ruining the planet. Otherwise, the economy would have to be reorganized to meet human needs, rather than to maintain the power and privileges of an oligarchy.

Thus, we see their campaign to reduce the use of fossil fuels, and thus reduce living standards, world wide. They believe this will then force a reduction in the earth’s population. The believe it will also lead to the world government, ie. globalism, which they have long desired.

The warming argument

There is no evidence for the warming hypothesis. Anyone who has been alive for awhile knows that their local climate is not warming and is not changing drastically. Almost everything happening that is cited as evidence of warming is as consistent with the earth cooling slightly. Or, results simply from mismanagement of land resources. Or, is simply false.

Yet the damage to the economy and to the standard of living is becoming evident. People are discovering that a modern, urban economy cannot be run by wind and solar power. Restriction of oil production will mean shortages of fuel, leading to supply breakdowns and economic decline.

However, like most mass brainwashing campaigns, the warming trope is ultimately based on intimidation. It is made socially and even physically unsafe to speak out against it. It is enforced by an army of true believer fanatics who will go after anyone contradicting the dogma.

There is a powerful network of thought police at work. They will insure that any academic who researches and publishes anything contradicting the official dogma will be making a career decision. ‘Progressive’ politicians will find it impolitic to publicly question the truisms of ‘warmism’.

Yet I believe most people keep it under their hat an uneasy suspicion that there is something wrong with the whole ‘warming’ thing. At some point the stupidity of the warming hypothesis will become too grotesque, and the harm and suffering it causes will become too much. Anger will overcome fear and people will demand that resources be directed to meet their human needs.

Nuclear bomb or asteroid impact creates a nuke mushroom

The greatest danger to the planet

It is at this point that things will get interesting. Events could turn out in several ways and I will not try to predict the future. It could be the moment of greatest danger to the survival of the planet; a nuclear war.

The same people who drive the ‘warming’ trope are also the biggest war mongers around. They want to set up a world government, so they will not tolerate any states existing outside their system. Several states on the planet have been acting independently of the globalists.

Two of these are very powerful and have strong militaries with nuclear capabilities. They have created the protection under which much of the world is now moving away from the globalist system and creating new international systems. The globalist see their power slipping away from them.

The countries in which Globalism is based are mostly around the North Atlantic, thus are often called the Atlanticists, or the Atlanticist bloc. The very worrisome situation right now is that the globalists cannot defeat their opponents, but seem unable to realize this. They are using their mighty propaganda machine to crank up a war hysteria.

I am not as hysterical as some about the danger of a nuclear war, but this danger must be recognized. It really could end the planets ability to support civilization at its present level. In an extreme case it could end life on earth as surely as the ‘extinction event’ the climate fanatics imagine.

These ‘climate’ fanatics are often also wrapped up in the hysteria against the independent nations. But just as cooler heads are preventing crazy measures that could leave us freezing in the dark, the globalist powers are being boxed in by sane leaders. Their ability to start trouble is being whittled away.

The twenties of this century are proving to be an anxious and trying time. I believe we will soon come into something better. The nuclear trigger will be removed from the hand of the globalists, thereby ending the single greatest danger to human kind.

This will likely also remove from them the ability to continue with the neoMalthusian nonsense. I have long predicted that a time will come when few people will want to admit to having been ‘extinction rebels’ or being taken in by the warming hypothesis. People will instead pay appropriate attention to the real environmental dangers looming around us.

The real threats to the environment

These same people are often a cause of, or are at least complicit in, many of the other real threats to the biosphere. The false threat to the environment, which they have invented, distracts attention from the real ones. All these causes could be gathered under the heading of one cause; uncontrolled capitalist industrialism.

They could then be divided into three headings; the nuclear industry, industrialized agriculture, and the chemical industry.

But there is one other menace which sits above even these; the crippling of government. A really democratic government insures that productivity is organized to meet human needs, and that the environmental basis for prosperity is not degraded. Oligarchy is not going to allow democracy to get in the way of its aims.

So increasingly, the ability of public government to carry out its functions regarding management of natural resources is compromised. The results, of course, are attributed to ‘global warming’. For example, forest fires are increasing not because the weather is hotter or dryer than before, but because the systems of forest management have broken down.

the nuclear industry

Nuclear power plants are not a very efficient way of generating electricity. They have two advantages which globalist financial capitalists like very much. One is that it enables tight control of the electricity supply through a centrally distributed system.

The other is that it enables production of quantities of plutonium. Good old element 94 is the material of choice for making the triggers of hydrogen bombs. It does not occur in nature. It is produced from the breakdown of uranium when used to power nuclear plants.

The global warming trope originated with the nuclear industry. The idea was that if burning coal and gas for electricity were restrained, demand for nuclear plants would increase. It was presented as the safe and clean alternative.

It has been well demonstrated that nuclear power is in fact the most environmentally damaging and dangerous of all forms of electricity production. From the production of the fuel through to the disposal of waste products, nuclear is bad news. It is really more expensive in the long run than other modes.

We now have large swathes of the planet’s surface which are permanently uninhabitable due to meltdowns at nuclear plants. The radioactive contamination spreads over a large area. There are possible scenarios in which a really bad breakdown at one of these plants could render not just districts, but whole countries or continents uninhabitable.

industrial farming

The next threat to the environment after nuclear power is the commercialization of farming; mainly cash cropping and factory production of livestock. The damage from this comes under three headings; misuse of insecticides and herbicides, misuse of antibiotics, and degradation of soil.

The threat to pollinating insects is frightening. Many of our most important food crops need insects to pollinate them. Already, many farmers are having to go out with brushes and pollinate their crops themselves.

Herbicides are usually counterproductive over the long run. They usually produce more aggressive weeds. They are used by people focussed on quick profits, or too lazy and stupid to manage fields properly. All this inevitably ruins good soil.

Battery farming of meat animals is really frightening. Animals are not made to live their lives cramped up in cages. Huge epidemics develop among them, and huge amounts of antibiotics are used to prevent them from dying and to make them grow quicker.

The infectious microorganisms develop immunity to all antibiotics, then go on to infect humans. New antibiotics are not being developed because they are not sufficiently profitable. As for viruses, these places are breeders for new strains which will transfer to humans.

What is needed is close regulation of farming practices. Cash crop monoculture farming and battery raising of livestock needs to be broken up. Proper farming needs to be relaunched. This needs to happen soon.

the chemical Industry

The headings here are; overuse of plastics, toxic effects, and lack of control. The underlying problem is the compulsion to maximize profits, thus maximizing through-puts, resulting in overuse and careless handling. In other words, industrial capitalism.

Hysterical claims are made about single use plastics, especially about their effects in the oceans, and it is hard to separate out the facts, but they have definitely become a huge problem. They cannot be recycled, they do not break down well and they keep building up in the environment. We need to move to reusable plastics or other materials.

There needs to be a tighter control over new chemical products being allowed into the market and the environment. Nothing should be produced until there is a way to dispose of it. This includes the byproducts of its production.

Nothing should be produced until its toxic properties are known, and until procedures for its safe handling can be devised. Nothing should be released for public consumption until it has been fully tested and shown to have no effects in living organisms. That includes any breakdown byproducts.

Chemical contamination of our food and our lived in environment must be taken very seriously. It is causing reproductive rates for men and women to decline. If it is not also causing the steady increase in numbers of autistic children, it is hard to imagine what is.


So there is what is available to those who want something real to worry about. CO2 gas from burning fossil fuels will not harm you if used right. The degradation of your living environment will harm you.

The people blowing the “warming” hot air are usually not the people creating the environmental problems. They will support actions against environmental degradation when it comports with their deindustrialization/depopulation agenda. But they are not greatly interested in a healthy environment.

The biggest problem with the ‘climate’ cult is that focussing on a made up problem distracts people from dealing with real problems.

Conservation matters

Fuels, fossil and otherwise, must be used properly. The stack emissions must be cleaned properly even if this slightly reduces profits for plant owners. Plants must be located away from inhabited areas.

The automobile is the enemy of cities and their inhabitants. The internal combustion engine does not belong in urban areas. Electrically powered transit systems must be developed, and must be designed to move goods around the city as well as people.

Urban transit systems must be made so convenient that no one wants cars or trucks anymore. However, it must be recognized that, away from transit systems, internal combustion systems are necessary.

Airline travel must be discouraged. High speed rail must be developed for intercity travel. Rail transport systems must be modernized and truck transport discouraged.

We have fuel to last us centuries. We do not have one litre of it to waste. It will not harm us if handled properly. Increasing the CO2 level in the atmosphere will not effect temperatures but will increase plant growth.

Metals must be conserved. Products must be designed so that the materials in them can be recovered and reprocessed. They must be designed to last and planned obsolescence sharply penalized.

There must be serious penalties for degrading and destroying topsoil. It must be made clear that if you are not going to farm arable land in a proper way, you do not buy it.

This Global Warming Nonsense has a History

Now I will explain exactly what I mean by ‘neoMalthusian’ and concisely recount the history of the “warming” hysteria. The old Malthus lived two centuries ago. He wrote a lot on the idea of population control.

He had a contemptuous view of the human race. He thought we would all breed uncontrollably until we overran the ability of the earth to feed us and then we would starve. He had ideas for limiting population growth which included deliberately propagating disease.

Malthus would have got on very well with the people who wrote the ‘Great Barrington Declaration’ about the ‘herd immunity’ approach to dealing with the covid pandemic. His ideas have certainly been admired from his time until this by holders of wealth and those who identify with them. These always believe there are too many people in the world who are not useful to them and who consume too much of the world’s resources.

Malthus’s ideas were evolved by Thomas Huxley in the mid nineteenth century, who linked them with Darwin’s ideas on evolution to help create the theory of eugenics. That is, that allowing the weak to survive burdened the world’s limited food supply and allowed weak genes to be passed on. These ideas were supported by wealthy people who wanted to build a world government so that these ideas could be carried out.

These families founded institutions such as the Rhodes scholars, who would first get a good education from a sponsorship fund. Then they usually went to work in governments all around the English speaking world to try to create a world government. These people created a lot of trouble, including two world wars.

These people are rightly called fascists. They backed the Fascist movements prior to the word war. They have become more sophisticated in their methods, more able to conceal their real ideas, but their goals are still fascistic; world government, eugenics, and population reduction.

After the second world war, Thomas’s son Julian convinced the globalist networks to try a different approach. He linked world government with ecology and helped found the ‘Club of Rome’ in the 1960s to further that. The members of the club still had the same basic idea, that humans are a plague on the planet and our numbers should be greatly reduced.

They presented a much nicer image than that to the public. They said there were limits to growth and so population growth must be reduced to zero. They were partly right in this; the earth cannot sustain the endlessly expanding reckless economic exploitation of industrial capitalism.

They tried various ways of convincing the public all over the world that economic and population growth had to be frozen somehow. Earlier in this, I memorialized the ‘new ice age’ story. However, they discovered that the global warming story worked better for them.

It is like a Swiss army knife to the people who use it. Even the ‘seven sisters’ oil companies have become fond of it because it helps them to drive their competitors out of business. It helps to maintain imperialism by preventing poor countries from using their own resources to develop their own economies.

They have had three generations now, in which to work on this. It is disturbing that it is possible to brainwash the populations of most developed countries so thoroughly, with something which cannot withstand ten minutes of serious reflection. However, they have never been able to actualize this delusion, and it is starting to slip away from them.

reaction to Climate Fascism

The thing is, most people with any intellect know under their hats that the whole climate narrative is propaganda meant to create consent to unpopular policies. As long as it causes no serious problems for themselves, people will go along with it. But now it is starting to bite many people.

Resistance to global capitalism is growing. The most disappointing thing about this development is that much of the left have come to buy into the warming narrative. Here is another tool in the Swiss army knife; one that allows globalists to control opposition from within, as they like to do.

Many radical left groups find that the warming narrative fits with their own about the need to destroy capitalism. A few have been wise enough to see where the warming narrative originates from and its real purpose. Ending capitalism does not mean tearing down the infrastructures of civilization.

Opposition to the globalist agenda and the warming narrative also comes from right wing groups funded by industrial capitalists. It is linked into narratives about limited government and nationalism. These ideas do not offer people anything except, again, a tearing down of the infrastructures that enable civilized life.

The globalists, of course, want to have much of this structure torn down. This will facilitate them achieving their goals; to create a world government, reduce the world’s population, and subject it to rigorous control and to a eugenics program.

They are failing in these goals and may be on the way to finally being eliminated for good. However, as they go down they are causing a great deal of harm. They create a risk of nuclear war, or some biologic calamity.

Resistance to Climate Fascism

The sooner people see where the warming narrative is coming from and reject it, the better future we will have. We do not have to accept a drastic reduction in our quality of life. We need more democratic political and economic systems.

More democracy means an honest information system. So does management of our environment and resources to insure a healthy life for everyone. For that to be realized, we need real science to be freed from ‘climate science’.

Most of the world outside the ‘Atlantic Bubble’, the western states where financial capital still has control of the population, has rejected this. People want to use their resources to develop their economies. They spin the narrative back at the globalists by talking about ‘climate justice’.

Inside the bubble, including in Canada, the climate narrative is still hammered into people’s heads. The “science is settled”, there is no need to prove what is claimed, anyone calling it out is slurred with the disgusting term ‘climate denier’, and often stalked and harassed.

However, resistance is growing as people realize the consequences of giving in to the neoMalthusian agenda. The biggest problem in challenging it is to avoid giving support to the flip side of it. That is, the industrial capitalist/productivist narrative that there is no environmental problem and we can extract from the environment without controls or limits.

This productivist narrative is that nuclear power is wonderful, so are Genetically modified foods, industrial farming is going to give us ‘cheap and abundant’ food, and so on.

To conclude, there are the climate and anticlimate bullshitters, two sides of the same thing. And on the other side is the public’s interest. If oligarchic government were ended, earths resources could be allocated and utilized in a logical way, to insure a good living standard for everyone into the future.