After Israel

Israel has no right to exist. No national state does. Only humans have rights. States come in and out of existence all the time. Israel is ending. A state of Palestine is coming into existence. The process will be long, messy and unpredictable.

After Israel

States do not have a right to exist

The situation with Israel, and Gaza and the rest of Palestine, has reached a point where it is clear how it will end. Actually, much of how the Zionist project was going to end up was clear many years ago, but now we can see that the state of Israel is not going to continue any further. However, there are so many pieces in play that there is no predicting how and when we will get to this denouement.

There is no longer any way to mitigate Israel. It has degenerated into pure evil, beyond all human tolerance. It has become a danger to everyone living under its control, to anyone living near it, and to everyone on the planet.

This includes even the Jews living under the Zionist state. They have lived for three or four generations in a closed society, isolated from the human progress of the last century. They have been ruled over by fanatics, who have inculcated them with their supremacist ideology and contempt for morality.

They have become as degenerate as, and deluded as, any people have ever been. They could be considered the biggest danger to themselves. Rather than a shelter for Jews, Israel is now the most dangerous place in the world to be a Jew.

The people of Gaza are presently being exterminated; men, women, and Children. The Palestinians of other areas under Israel’s control are in relatively less danger, only because it is harder for Israel to get at them. Jews are in close proximity to them and can be hit as well by military actions, or retaliated against by the victims.

The nations immediately surrounding Israel have lived for eighty years under constant threat, reduced economic potential, and impingement on their sovereignty. Israel has had no interest in integrating itself into the region. The west seems to have planted it among them like a vicious dog, to keep them in check.

Nothing could have been more stupid and irresponsible of the Atlanticist order than to have allowed Israel to get nuclear weapons. They have enough of them to disrupt the earth’s climate for some years if they went off in an all out nuclear war.

The Israelis would likely not use their nukes in their own vicinity. This would contaminate their own country. That is the worst thing about it.

Instead, the Israeli leaders have developed the most vicious strategic doctrine of any nuclear power. If they believe that their conventional armed forces are facing defeat, they will threaten to launch their nuclear forces on neutral or even friendly states, who have no nuclear deterrent or defence. It is the ultimate blackmail to force the world to save them from defeat; an “if we go down, we take everyone down” mentality.

This is part of why Israel is so obsessed with Iran, a country far away from it. Iran has the ability to produce nuclear weapons. It actually has nuclear weapons and the ability to deliver them, but its leaders are wise enough to be silent about it. Iran, since its revolution, has maintained its sovereignty, refusing intimidation by the west or Israel, which is of course unacceptable to them.

It has been a long process to get to this situation. It requires here a brief history lesson. I go into the history in more detail in my articles under the tag

The Ashkenazi Jews of Europe were persecuted for centuries. However, the modern problem began when more enlightened tendencies emerged in western civilization, which extended toleration to Jews. Many Jews began to respond and to integrate into the larger society.

This was a disaster for the old ruling elite among the Jews. They needed antisemitism to keep their human herd together. They were easily able to form strategic alliances with ruling classes among the Christians, both Catholic and Protestant.

Jewish and Christian elites in Europe have a long history of working together to maintain social control. The Jewish elite was happy to profit from their people being used as fronts, patsies, and scapegoats for nefarious schemes of Christian elites. They often taught their people that it was justifiable to cheat non Jews, and to try to disrupt their societies.

Many among Christian elites had, and still have, similar nefarious ideas. They want to keep control over the public by keeping it deluded and degenerate. They know how to use control over money and banking to give themselves near limitless resources with which to carry this out.

Yet these people, or at least factions within them, were not coldly rational about this. They were, and seem to still be, motivated by some religious or occultist ideas. These include the idea that Jews must be returned to the biblical lands to fulfil some sort of prophecy.

All this congealed in nineteenth century Europe into the idea of Zionism. This is as much a fanatic Christian idea as a Jewish one. For a long time, most Jews did not buy into it, but kept following progressive leaders. They sought to integrate into society, deal ethically with non Jews, and to try to move elsewhere if still subject to persecution.

The world’s most ridiculous, offensive, as well as the most aggressively driven in, false narrative, must be that of the Nazi extermination camps during world war two. If the Nazi plan was to simply wipe out the Jewish people, they could have killed them where they were in a few weeks with minimal resources. Maintaining the concentration camp network required a huge commitment of resources from the Nazi government, while it was simultaneously waging total war.

Nazis and Zionists had, and still have, similar agendas. They get along well together. The aim of the concentration camps was to remove Jews from their homes and disorient them, before they could be transported to Palestine and processed into the Zionist’s “new Jews”. This broke down because the Nazis began losing the war and could not supply these camps, or control their underlings who were running them.

Most Jews who died in the world war did so after being released from the camps, when they tried to return to their homes in Eastern Europe. They were killed by anti semitic mobs. These mobs were partly incited by Zionist agents. These Jews were not going where their Zionist overlords told them to go.

The Zionists finally achieved their goal by carving out a territory in historic Palestine. One way or another, they got a large number of Jews to move there. Once there, they were indoctrinated into the Zionist world view, pressured to take Hebrew names, and led to dehumanize the indigenous population.

There are two big factors which have kept this situation going for almost eighty years. One is the massive support from the western countries. The other has been the weakness of Palestinians and other Middle East people in opposing Israel.

Israel is not a strategic asset of the west. In fact it is a great strategic lability, greatly compromising American and other interests in the middle east. Western maintenance of Israel has nothing to do with any strategic or economic consideration.

Israel cannot ever be viable as an independent country. It has cut itself off from the rest of the middle east. Thus it has no real export markets. It does not have the population or resources to stand by itself against the rest of the middle east.

The idea of making Israel a technological hub is also delusion. Of course, about 90% of technological industries is based on hype and delusion. It is too far away from large population centres to be a tech hub.

Israel’s economy is based on subsidies from abroad, money laundering from foreign rackets, and selling weapons and security technologies. When the illusion of a secure state collapses, external investment collapses. Then, the Israeli economy collapses and its skilled people start fleeing.

This determined support for creation and maintenance of a Zionist state does not come from a supposed Jewish control of western civilization. That is absurd. The Jews have always been a small, persecuted, mainly impoverished minority in western countries. They have never had access to the real sources of wealth.

To reiterate, Israel, Zionism, antisemitism, and various proZionist cults within Christianity have all been creations of the Christian Black Nobility which has ruled western civilization for hundreds of years. This all serves some idea of group identity, or religious or occult dogma, among these people.

These people have always liked to use Jews as their proxies. Jews have usually been poor and desperate enough to have to go along with it. Of course, this cooperation is useful to the Jewish elite. It has created a certain type of subculture among Jews.

The other element enabling Israel’s survival until now has been the weakness of its victims. The Palestinians are not the barbaric people made out by Zionist propaganda. They have the usual mentality of a people who lived for centuries under the Ottoman Empire.

The Ottomans liked to create clans and tribes among their subject peoples, to make them more manageable. Subjects were encouraged to concern themselves solely with the well being of their own families and tribes, not with society as a whole. Ottoman subjects learned that resistance to superior power brought violent repression, but patient and obsequious pleading often brought concessions.

Until recently, Palestinians have had great difficulty working together. They focused on their self interest and the interest of their own tribes or cliques. Two generations of them sat in their refugee camps waiting for the Israelis to become nicer, or for the Arab states or the United Nations to free them from their dilemma.

In this century, western power has been weakened. Some Arab and other Moslem states, notably Iran, have learned how to assert their sovereignty. A generation of Palestinians has learned to create effective organizations to defend their whole society.

An interesting aside is that some prominent cabbalistic Rabbis were very critical of Israel at the time of its founding. They prophesied that it would last eighty years, citing a “curse of the eighth decade”. Two Jewish kingdoms in ancient times started collapsing after eighty years of existence.

Conditions are now in place to end the Zionist state. Its fall is coming on with surprising speed.

The Palestinians and the ‘conflict states’ have learned the weaknesses of the Zionist state and the western hegemony behind it. They have learned how to wage a war of attrition. Israel has no answer for this.

All the Zionist fanatics in power in Israel can try to do is draw the United States into the conflict. They have underestimated the American’s power, just as they did their own. The Americans would also be defeated by the conflict states, but it would be a very destructive war.

The Americans have become attached to the idea of ‘hybrid war’, especially for waging war on Russia and China through proxies. Russia is waging a very effective war on the Ukraine proxy state. Russia gives Iran, Yemen, and Hezbollah good advice and well adapted equipment for this kind of fight.

Russia and China are ready to provide material support to the conflict states. The Americans and British could be caught in Russia, China, and Iran’s own version of ‘hybrid war’. But these ‘RIC’ countries will try to avoid this if they can.

So they give carefully measured responses to the desperate provocations of the Israelis, as they try to get the Americans to do their fighting for them. The Zionist lobby in the United States will push for war with Iran, but there are strong forces resisting this. The Pentagon knows that it cannot win such a war.

The American public will flatly not support a new middle east war. Especially, not one to defend Israel. It has turned strongly against Zionism, even if much of the elite remain deeply committed to it.

This is partly because the Palestinian diaspora in the West has been very effective in defeating Zionist propaganda. They have built in these countries a strong movement for Palestinian freedom. The Zionists are coming down very harshly on this movement, yet are still failing against it.

There is much confusion about how the present Israeli war will end. Some believe everything will be fine once Israeli prime minister Netanyahu, and the extremists propping him up, fall from power. Yet the violent impulses and contempt for non Jews are deeply rooted in Israeli society. It goes well beyond Netanyahu or the west bank settlers.

Most Israelis do not yet believe how badly they are losing. Yet they are clearly becoming war weary. They are more concerned with getting the October 7th hostages back than with a permanent truce with Hamas.

Of course, those Israelis who are more clued in, and those able to pack up and go, are lining up for the limited flights out. The Israeli economy has collapsed and will not recover. The government is rapidly going bankrupt and will soon start shutting down entire ministries.

The Israeli army is concealing its true casualty rate. It is running out of men and equipment. The troops are becoming demoralized. The generals are getting sick of the politicians.

Iran and Hezbollah have made clear they can strike Israel at will with their rocket forces. This has yet to deter the Israeli air force due to the obtuseness of Israeli leadership. Israel continues strikes into Syria and Lebanon, but with decreasing effect.

They are partly restrained by the powerful air defence system the Russians have loaned to Syria. The Russians have given Syria restricted rules for when it can use these defences. The reasoning for these rules is hard to understand, but it seems the Syrians can only defend certain types of targets.

But the allies have not really hit Israel hard yet. If Hezbollah wanted to, it could literally put the lights out all over Israel in minutes. Israel now depends on offshore gas fields, which are very easy to take out.

The sad thing is that one thing Hezbollah and allies cannot do immediately is end the Israeli siege of Gaza. The Hamas militia inside Gaza has stalemated Israel on its own ground. It can keep getting supplies through the tunnels into Egypt, which Israel can do nothing about.

However, Israel can continue to starve the population to death. It only needs a few troops to maintain the blockade. It can keep up random bombing attacks.

Two hundred thousand Gazans have now died in the siege. That is eight percent of the population. It is likely that a quarter to one half of Gazans will die of starvation, disease, and Israeli fire, before this is done.

Hezbollah’s basic war demand on Israel is that it stop the assault on Gaza. It is clear that, not just Netanyahu, but the people around him will burn the whole middle east before they end the attack on Gaza. They seem to have the idea that they will end the Zionist project started years ago, by clearing their entire space of all non Jews.

They seem to think Israel will eventually recover from this situation. The Zionist supporters of Europe and American will not let Israel go down no matter what. They are surrounded by armed guards of fanatic supporters who will try to prevent them from being removed, legally or otherwise.

There is the grim logic of this situation. Iran, Syria, and Hezbollah must think about their own populations. They can devastate Israel, but Israel can still devastate them.

If the Allies devastate Tel Aviv, Israel can flatten Beirut and Damascus just as they did Gaza. Hezbollah must hold its rocket force as a deterrent against the Israeli air force. Once it uses it, deterrence is gone.

This war is about deterrence and attrition. The Israelis are helplessly enraged that their enemies can deter them. They will lose because their enemies can keep the fight going indefinitely but they cannot. They still cannot wrap their minds around this.

So, there may be a thousand ways this situation can play itself out. However, they will all come down to Netanyahu and the Kahanists around him being forced out of office. Some kind of Junta must be formed which can negotiate with Israel’s enemies.

This junta will require a strong military and security element. All civilian politicians have long been intimidated by the zionist zealots in Israeli society. They must secure themselves.

The basic rule of the Israeli state from its founding has been never to negotiate about anything that matters until it holds all the cards and can impose the terms. Now they will have to deal with enemies who hold the trump cards. It will be a very traumatic experience for them.

This will begin the wind down of the Zionist project. The Israeli state will come to an end.

Israel has no right to exist. No national state does. Only humans have rights. States come in and out of existence all the time.

Israel is ending. A state of Palestine is coming into existence. The process will be long, messy and unpredictable.

The absolute worst case scenario would be some dead end Kahanists getting control of the nuclear arsenal and firing it off. This is why the nuclear disarmament of Israel is very important.

There will very likely be some kind of civil war with the religious extremists of Israel. They will lose. However, they will likely then act like the ancient Sicarii, after the Jewish revolt against Rome.

They will fade into the larger Israeli population wherever they go to. They will try to threaten or kill any Jew not doing what they command. They will stage provocations against non Jews, to create reactions against Jews, to keep the Jews together and under their control.

The best response to such people is to hunt them down with counterintelligence methods. They must be killed or sentenced to long terms. However, this kind of mentality is transmitted through generations, and will require generations, and good education of the general population, to eradicate.

Where the Israeli population will go after Israel is a big question. Those Israelis who can leave, likely will leave. Israelis are a well educated people and most of them have remained fairly industrious. Other advanced countries will want most refugees from the fall of Israel. Of course they would want to filter out the hard case Zionists.

It is those who cannot go anywhere else who will be stuck in Israel. The new government of Palestine will have a problem protecting the remaining Jews from retaliation. These people have created so much hate for themselves that there will be an impulse to actually “drive them into the sea”.

There will be no ‘two state’ solution, except as a temporary and transitional condition. Israel will steadily lose sovereignty and Palestine will gain it. The population ratio will change as Jews leave the country and exiled Palestinians return. Remaining Jews will be concentrated in Haifa, Tel Aviv, and Ashkelon.

As for the Palestinians, their reoccupation of the land will begin in the West Bank. The border with Jordan will open for West Bank Palestine. An adequate military force will soon be armed.The local economy will begin to flourish.

The illegal settlers will flee the west bank and Palestinians will move into their settlements. The Palestine authority government will collapse and Hamas will become the government there, and for all of Palestine.

There will be little point in rebuilding Gaza. The survivors will soon be able to start moving back into Israel. They will find plenty of vacant housing as the previous owners flee.

The Palestinians will have some trouble organizing a permanent government. The Chinese found fourteen different factions they had to try to unite, when they tried to encourage Palestinians to speak with one voice. This is the result of the lingering cultural problems described above, plus the Israelis own ‘divide and rule’ practices.

Hamas has emerged as the best organized and most prestigious of Palestine factions. They will be able to solve the initial problems of securing Palestinian land and creating a sovereign government with adequate services. However, they may not be the best peace time leaders.

Under occupation conditions, Palestinians have never been able to get a representative ‘democracy’ going. That may not be the best model for the middle east, but it is the only one most of the world’s people are aware of. But Palestinians are among the world’s best educated people, and they should be able to work out a system for themselves.

Israel would soon be forced to conceded air and land corridors, and access to the sea. Their negotiating power will decline along with their population and economy. They will also be compromised by the decline of their western patrons, who will soon be no longer able to fund or arm them.

One negotiating chip Israel will have is its nuclear arsenal. Its dismantling and removal will soon become a big issue.

Israel will steadily go from being a national government to being a subnational government under the Palestinian state. They will pressure Palestine for assurances about civil rights and security guarantees for Israelis who want to go on living in territory the Palestinians reclaim.

Ironically, reclamation of territory will be a big headache for the Palestine government. A lot of rusty old keys will be finding their way back to Israel. So will a lot of yellowed old title deeds.

The Israelis have done everything they could to destroy old land records. They have bulldozed old villages and old landmarks. Sorting out these old real estate claims will be a huge headache.

Palestinians, like most mid Eastern people, have long cultural memories. They know who they are and where they come from. This is unlike Israelis, who have often arrived from a very different country. Few Israeli families go back four generations in Israel.

Palestinians hark back to the kind of life their great grandparents had, before the fall of the Ottomans, the British mandate, the Nakba, the calamity, inflicted on them in nineteen forty eight, the further calamity of nineteen sixty seven. They know what they have lost.

They tend to think in the long term, in generations. They greatly value family. They are generally prepared to sacrifice almost anything in the present, to insure that their grandchildren will know the peaceful, secure, dignified life their great grandparents knew.

Their wait is almost over. However, the land between the river and the sea will never go back to what it once was. The state of Israel will fade away gradually. But much of the Jewish population brought into that land, often by deception and even unwillingly, will be there forever.

Children scarred and damaged, physically and emotionally, by the violence of the past year, will carry those scars to old age. Shattered cities may never be rebuilt, but sit as ruins until buried by time.

But it seems that this is what this part of the world is about; the Levant, the Fertile Crescent. It is the oldest settled land on earth, the place where the agricultural revolution began. The Palestinian people are the same people who have been there for ten thousand years.

In that time the great empires have passed through and gone; the Obeidians, the Canaanites, the Romans, the Crusaders, the Ottomans, the British. They have all left their mark on the land.

The State of Israel will pass away as well. It will leave nothing good behind. It will be remembered only for the evil it did.