About Migration and Immigration

We do not right the wrongs of mass displacement and migration by supporting the plan of those who caused the problem. We do not save A by wrecking B.

About Migration and Immigration

This is not a good time to change countries

The migration crisis for western countries is continuing. It is important to note that this is a problem only for these countries. Most of the world’s states refuse to allow this human pipeline into their countries.

It is occurring where Atlanticists have control of national and supranational governments, and have disrupted normal border regulation systems. The program is to create large numbers of refugees and then move them into western countries as a form of class war. The European Union (EU) states have been really hard hit by this attack on their social structures.

North America and Australia/New Zealand are not as effected. This is simply because we are nations built on immigration. We still have some institutional memory of the right way to do immigration.

Yet Canada and the USA have special problems of their own in dealing with immigration. However, they are problems of their own creation. The EU state’s problem is different and also imposed on them from above, by the Eurocracy and the Atlanticists above that.

Note that the United Kingdom has only ‘brexited’ from the EU in theory, not in fact. It has much the same problem of being unable to control its borders.

Many people will dispute everything I say in this post. This is because these problems come from schemes which are very important to various powerful oligarchies. This means that these schemes are strongly promoted and justified by perception management systems. This means anything said against them will trigger people indoctrinated by these systems.

This piece deals with two related but distinct issues. There is the refugee problem and the immigration problem. One is about people who are compelled to leave where they were. The other is about people induced to go somewhere else.

The frequent end result of these two impulses is similar. People end up where they were better to have not gone, with no way back. As well, their presence is harmful to the countries they arrive at.

I live in Canada and I will deal first with how these issues effect it. There is no country on earth more accepting of newcomers than Canada. It is said that very few Canadians do not remember an ancestor who arrived from somewhere else.

During the earlier settlement period, Canada did immigration very well. It knew better than to just throw open the border. It actively recruited the kind of immigrants it needed, and supported them to establish themselves, and integrate themselves, into their new home.

Gradually politics got mixed up with immigration. After the second world war, large numbers of war refugees arrived in Canada. Many who should have been brought in were refused. Many who should not have been were.

People who might be communists were refused entry. Jews were refused entry for some time. Nazis were allowed to get in, so they could act as muscle against communists.

More immigration was demanded due to the owner class’s perceptions of a labor shortage. At first only white immigrants were allowed, then as the supply of these diminished, other colors gradually became acceptable.

Gradually, immigration became no longer about labor shortages, but the need for cheaper, more easily exploitable labor. This category of immigrant kept being brought in even when unemployment and wage stagnation became problems.

It was also thought to be cheaper to raid other countries for skilled people than to train Canadians. Then, as farming became industrialized, a temporary farm labor program became needed. Canada is now being criticized by international bodies for this exploitation of farm workers from abroad.

For the screw head Canadian economic elite, the solution to failing productivity is not to invest more in training and equipment. It is to bring in even more warm bodies to exploit. Their problem now is that the word is spreading that Canada is no longer a good place to emigrate to. There are better places to go to.

So the Bosses are not getting the immigrants they want. Yet the country is bringing in so many that it is developing a ‘population bomb’ problem. That is, the population is rising so fast that it is impossible to improve living standards. There is a severe shortage of housing and almost everything else.

The racketeers have turned Canada’s reputation, as a good place for international students to get an education, into a problem. ‘Degree mill’ universities are charging foreigners three times what Canadians pay in tuition. They are drawing in so many that this is distorting the low cost housing, and contingent employment, markets.

Yet Canada does not have a migrant problem, or a refugee problem, to the extent other countries do. We do manage to control our border. Bogus refugee claimants tend to be sent back where they came from. Sadly, many valid claimants are sent back to their fates.

Yet we still have an immigration racket which includes specious refugee claims. It can be ridiculous. Well off people from non western lands, who arrive in Canada for tourism or business purposes, are bothered at airports by people trying to get them to file refugee claims.

There is so much to say about Canada’s immigration problems, it is worth a post in itself. The main point is that there needs to be a moratorium on immigration until our domestic political economy is sorted out.

The United States has somewhat different problems. I am not as familiar with them. Like Canada they are a country built on immigration.

They have never regulated immigration the way Canada has. They seem to have really lost control of their borders. Thus their refugee problem is much greater than Canada’s.

They have somewhat similar problems of political economy to Canada’s. Like Canada, they need to restrict the inflow of people until they sort out their internal problems. Like Canada, they are no longer generally seen as an ideal place to immigrate to.

The culture war problems are more extreme in the USA. There, left factions want to “break the borders”, insisting everyone has a God given right to come to the United States. There are rightist factions who want to end immigration entirely, for the wrong reasons.

Some of these ‘MAGA’ people want to build a wall at the Mexican border, or even think there already is one. They want to send everyone they do not like back to where they came from. That often includes people born and educated in that country.

Now to Australia and New Zealand. They have much less of a migrant problem. They have maintained control of their borders and immigration systems. Being island nations has helped them in this.

They have been under some international pressure from Globalism to open up to refugees. Why Globalism wants borders busted will be discussed below.

The countries of the European Union are long settled lands. They have no real tradition of immigration. However, many of them are former or ongoing colonial powers. Such countries tend to become home to large numbers of people from their colonies or former colonies.

These countries have a notably harder time integrating newcomers into their societies than do the ‘settler’ countries. Yet they have been least able to resist the weaponized migration organized by the globalist hegemony. They have given up control of their borders to the Brussels ‘Eureacracy’.

It is almost impossible for them to get rid of these migrants. Many of them are simply the criminal classes of Mideast and African countries. Their home countries often gave them money to start walking to Europe, just to get rid of them.

Some are real refugees who were deluded to believe they should try to go to Europe. Many of them die or are victimized on the way. Once they arrive, they find there is really nothing for them and no way to get back.

All this is, of course, organized by Globalist agents, often spouting anarchist type rhetoric as cover and justification. Some volunteer agencies are made up of people who really believe that rhetoric and think they are doing a good thing. Of course, organized crime is also employed to operate this program.

Some European countries stand up to this. They have reestablished border patrols. They have passed laws to give themselves power to deal with the situation, even if they contradict EU regulations.

Undocumented aliens who show up at their borders are moved through to other countries which accept them. Countries doing this get the usual name calling and bureaucratic harassment thrown at them. But neither the Eureacracy or any EU country has been willing to do anything serious to integrate these people into their societies.

Thus, these migrants are generally unable to integrate into the societies they arrive at, even when they try. Many have a hostile attitude to their host countries. They believe they are there to colonize the colonizers.

These immigrants are becoming a permanent underclass in these countries, hostile to the larger society. They are a recruiting base for organized crime and source of thugs to use against progressive elements of society. They are exactly what the globalists need.

If you want to continue to be an overclass, you need an underclass to keep the other classes under control. The underclass needs to be replenished occasionally. This concisely explains the aim of the globalist oligarchy of Europe in promoting this migrant crisis.

It is worthwhile here to refute in some detail the arguments being used by the villains who are engineering this growing crisis. Of course, they are not real arguments, but obvious propaganda tropes. What is so sad about it is that much of it is recited by people who should know better, who consider themselves to be opponents of imperialism.

The globalists are good at getting inside the heads of their opposition, getting them to argue against themselves. Yet the cognitive errors are obvious.

We have an obligation to throw open our borders to all these refugees because our governments are involved in destroying their countries.

No. We, meaning the actual population of the countries which are targeting by weaponized mass migration, have no such obligation. We have the right to live in our own country, with our own government to provide to us the material conditions for a decent life. The consequences of millions of destitute people suddenly pouring into our country would be to collapse the services which provide us a decent life.

We did not order any bombings. We did not wreck anyone’s country. Most of our governments were involved indirectly if at all in waging the various forms of warfare on these countries. Usually, they did whatever they did out of coercion but also without any reference to informed public consent.

We are being made responsible for something that is remote from us and undefined. The most vulnerable people within our countries suffer the worst when our borders were crashed. Those among the elites of our countries who may have been involved in these wars of aggression are insulated from this disruption and will actually profit from it.

The responsibility to ameliorate the harm done by imperial aggression lays with the international community. We had systems for dealing with refugee crises. It seems they are being deliberately destroyed.

The claim is being aggressively driven into our heads that there is an obligation under international law to allow people to go wherever they want. There is no such clause in international law; it is spurious and absurd. What exists is a mandate to assist refugees where they are.

Toward that, a system was in place to respond quickly to any war or disaster which produced refugees. Camps were set up at the first location the displaced arrived at after escaping the crisis zone. All necessary medical care and food aid was provided until the effected people were able to return to their homes.

In cases where it seems there will be no home to return to, people can apply to immigrate to third countries. It is up to that country to decide what refugees they will take. No one has any right to just go to another country and demand to live there.

A malevolent force is trying to break this system down and impose its own. This force have a lot of money and coercive power. The motive for this is well known.

Global financial capitalism has long had the aim of creating a world government and reducing the world’s population. Toward that they work to break up national governments and civil societies which do not conform to their goals.

This is their cunning and barbarous plan. First they destroy countries which are nonconforming and are weak enough to attack. They obstruct delivery of aid to the stricken populations. Then they herd them toward the countries they want to attack but which are too strong yet. They attack simply because these countries more developed social structures are an obstruction to them.

In these countries, they crank up perception control to create a false sense of guilt and obligation in a sufficient section of the public. They use the usual corps of toxic activists to intimidate politicians into opening up the borders. Also, to deter the formation of any kind of real plan for coping with these refugees.

There is little which can be done for the refugees when they arrive. They are mostly the poorer classes of wherever they came from. They are impossible to integrate into a modern, technological society.

They would live their lives as fish out of water. Their children would integrate into the lower stratum of the host society, or into the criminal classes. To reemphasize, capitalist classes always seek to form and replenish an underclass and a criminal class.

Wherever the people migrated from, they would usually have been vastly better off to have waited in camps for awhile, then gone back to their own homes. Most end up feeling they were duped and would like to get back home. They are the greatest victims of this criminal conspiracy.

The trafficking of refugees into the target countries is posed as a humanitarian activity. It is in fact a vile racket. It induces people to go to where they never should go.

They are robbed, raped, shaken down, and abducted and sold as slaves. They are forced into unseaworthy vessels or suffocated in rail cars. They are the most pathetic pawns in a huge power game.

What is really obscene about it is all the money spent on getting them to where they are not wanted, and did not want to go. It could instead have helped them to reestablish themselves in their home countries. Many of these people say they were paid money to go to western countries.
Nobody asks how small children found their way by themselves to the borders of countries thousands of miles from their parents and birth places.

We do not right the wrongs of mass displacement and migration by supporting the plan of those who caused the problem. To do so is to support not only their war on the refugee’s homelands, but their war on our own well developed civil societies. We do not save A by wrecking B.

The forces driving all this are very powerful. Until they can be finally defeated, their plans must be obstructed in every possible way. But as well, everything possible must be done to help the victims.

The system of enabling refugees to return to their homes as soon as possible needs to be reestablished and strengthened. A strong information campaign needs to be mounted to warn these people to stay near their homes. They do not want to be trapped in the migration machine.

Those who have reached the west need to be helped to get back home. If it is really not possible, serious efforts need to be made to integrate them into a new country. However, antisocial types among them should go to where anti social types should always go; to jails.

A very good idea would be to offer migrants education and skills training if they agree to go home as soon as possible. They would then be able to help their home countries to rebuild and progress.

Justice would be well served if many more of the people organizing these mass migrations were arrested, charged, convicted, and given long sentences. However, those who plan all this and employ them to carry it out are very powerful and can protect their minions.

To reemphasize, those who direct weaponized migration are the same people who destroy the countries the refugees flee from. And finally, they are the people who want the borders of prosperous western countries broken. If these borders are broken, government in these countries is broken, and its people thrown into a Hobbsian hell. 

That includes, of course, the migrants who crashed the borders. This benefits no one except an elite of an elite who see national states as getting in their way. They believe they would thrive on the resulting chaos.

To conclude this, I will return briefly to other side of this issue. That is, the voluntary and legal, but ill advised, immigration into countries, to try to keep failing economies ‘growing’.

It is mainly the settler countries which continue to do this. But this age in history is coming to an end. As more of the world develops, people can find opportunities in their own countries. The supply of ‘right’ immigrants is drying up.

Countries like Canada need to consider becoming settled countries. This is not to shut down all immigration, but to decide an optimal population size and maintain it.

There is more to say about that in future blogs.