About Gaza and Holocausts

About Gaza and Holocausts

October 31, 2023

False narratives about genocides enable real ones.

I expected to get at least some negativity about my recent article on Gaza. I briefly summarized the actual story about the Jewish holocaust of the 1940s, what it was really about, and how it laid the basis for the present grim situation in Gaza. From past experience, this will make me an “antisemite” and “holocaust denier.”

What disappoints me is that the only real attack I got for it was from a fellow blogger who I occasionally engage with in discussions about geopolitical problems, especially the Ukraine war. He has usually been fairly reasonable. Now he has gone after me with the standard attack pattern against any questioning of the established narrative about these events, from the usual Hasbara type indoctrination.

However, he has not just cut me off or run away when it is clear I can catch him on his misinformation. He has implicitly challenged me to debate, which he thinks he can win, whenever I am ready. I have taken my time preparing a response. 

I want to spend less time at the keyboard this month, and a little more watching the Pan American games. I want to think carefully about exactly how to reply. I also thought about working this into another article  I have on the back burner, about atrocities in general and a few in particular I have studied.

However, that would be a little too cumbersome. I will stick to the Hitler holocaust. I will not set this up as a dialogue, a “he said, I said.” I will not quote him directly or identify him.

He might not want to own his initial charge against me when I am done with it. I will masterfully refute every point he made. Actually, most of what he said actually supports me.


My point is that all false narratives must be taken down. You cannot solve real problems in the real world unless you can get to the truth underlying the problem. Thus, the reason present problems are so intractable is the massive effort made to defend false narratives, false realities, which serve the special interests who are causing the problems.

The most destructive lies are the most viciously defended. They are also the ones which fall apart fastest when examined objectively. So no discussion can be allowed, anyone questioning must be bullied into silence, or isolated.

What I said in the first place, in the Gaza article, was;

Yet there is no way out of telling the truth about the Jews and the world war, if we are going to understand the present Gaza situation. The Nazis and Zionists were good friends. Zionist bankers had helped fund their takeover of Germany.

Hitler never had a plan to exterminate the entire Jewish people. The Zionists wanted the numbers of those Jewish sects who objected to them to be reduced as much as possible. But the agenda was to move the European Jewish population to camps in Russia, and from there, once Hitler had finished with the British, move them to Palestine.

The Zionists had instigated the rise of antisemitism in Europe, and encouraged the Nazis to be harsh in dealing with Jews, so as to drive in the Jewish Zionists message to their fellow Jews that they would never be safe except in Palestine. The bigger problem was that the Nazis were not always in good control of their subordinates and allies. Fanatic nationalists in various places carried out their own local genocide of Jews.

Research into census information from the effected countries shows that about one million Jews died as a result of the second world war. Many died of starvation and disease. The gas chamber and human soap bar stories are stupid.

The Zionists had a problem when Hitler, against their expectations, lost the war. They had to prevent Jewish refugees from settling anywhere else, and to finance an expensive war, to finally get what they wanted. In 1948, they were prevented from completing the ethnic cleansing of Palestine which they had wanted, which is the basis for the present conflict.


What my accuser especially disliked was what I said about the gas chambers story. He did not mention the soap story, which would have been even more fun. There is at least some evidence for the gas.

He seems to tacitly recognize, at least in part, that the gas story has also been discredited. He gave me some testimony from some people who admitted setting up and using a gas chamber to kill some people. He said it did not matter if a million were killed, or a thousand, in this way.

Yes, it does matter how many died this way, if you started out claiming huge numbers died and later admitted that few were killed this way. The gas chambers were experiments which did not work. This is a very dumb method of killing people.

There have been numerous other attempts to operate lethal gas chambers. It was once tried as a method of capital punishment in the United States. Some attempts were made to kill stray animals that way. The problem, of course, is that the gas is hazardous to the executioners and others serving the facility.

The main use of the gas Zyklon B was to fumigate buildings. It could have also been used to kill people. All the German prison camps had a huge pest problem, mostly because they were so poorly run.

One efficient use of a gas for homicidal purposes was the infamous carbon monoxide vans. German secret police killed political dissidents, homosexuals, gypsies, the mentally ill, and even some Jews, this way. However, this was a small batch procedure and could be unhealthy for the executioners.


My accuser says I am contradicting great numbers of eye witnesses. Eye witnesses to what exactly, he is not clear on. When you really want to maintain a false narrative and you have limitless resources, you can find people to testify to anything. Even courts in Israel have cited certain people as being ‘professional holocaust survivors’ and considered that their testimony should be rejected.

He also claims I am contradicting the KGB and old Soviet Archives, as well as Putin. I get no information about what these sources say that contradicts obvious truth. Since most of what is thrown at me is “straw man”, I do not think Putin or his peers have anything to say that contradicts me.

As for the old KGB and Soviet Union, it was well known for manufacturing elaborate false narratives, complete with skillfully forged documents. It is well known that the old Soviet Union had an alliance with the Zionists from 1947 to 1949. They helped with spinning up all this exaggeration, which is what it is.

It is difficult to understand exactly why Stalin supported the Zionists in the conflict over Palestine, or exactly why Israel gradually turned against him afterward. The cold war was beginning and the Soviet Union and United States were playing games with each other.

The Truman government thought the Zionists were a bunch of communists. Stalin decided the advantages of helping Israel outweighed the disadvantages to the Soviets. The Soviet bloc voted for partition of Palestine. Czechoslovakia was ordered to arm the Jewish side, which would not have won otherwise.

Of course the Soviets would not have wanted to admit that they had helped Zionists create a fake history. Present day Russia has had no interest in antagonizing Israel. That is, until just now.


It has been widely noted that there are no real “holocaust deniers”. There are exaggerators and minimizers, according to different political agendas. In between are objective historians, people who want the truth of things, and who are subjected to the most intense suppression by the globalist thought policing system.

There are two main motives for maintaining this false narrative. First is that it reinforces the Zionist message to Jews that non Jews can never be trusted and they will only be safe in the Israeli state in Palestine. The other, of course, is that it must never be known that it was the Zionists themselves who started the holocaust.

The real trouble for European Jews started with the Haavara agreement of 1933 between the Nazis and the German Zionists. This was really cute. The property of German Jews was seized and held in trust for them, to be sent to them in Palestine, only if they resettled in Palestine.

Once the world war began, neither Nazis nor Zionists could control the forces they had let loose. As mentioned above, once it seemed to various local thugs that Jew hating was permitted, and social order had broken down, many of them wanted to loot Jews, and often kill them as well. The worst of these types of massacre took place in Lithuania and Galicia.

Many Jews died simply from starvation and disease due to the conditions they were left in. The idea that the Nazis were efficient organizers is a myth. They usually had no idea how to supply and run these camps.

Of course those who ran these camps were totally unaccountable. People were shot on the spot for trivial transgressions. Sometimes, they were killed for kicks or because some Nazi did not like their face.


Many massacres of Jews were reprisals for attacks on German forces. The Germans did this everywhere and often got very carried away with it. The Ardeatine caves in Italy were a good example. If their troops were killed, they randomly killed civilians near where the attack happened, with the idea of deterring more attacks.

Jewish populations always included many hard left people who did not identify with the Zionists and instead worked with non Jewish revolutionary groups. The radical left arm of the Zionists was the Jewish Labor Bund. They usually acted as muscle for the Zionists.

The Nazis and their federates had the idea that all radical left groups were led by Jews. Some were. Thus attacks by left radical groups on Nazi officials often led to reprisal attacks against local Jewish populations which often got far out of control. The Babi Yar massacre was a good example of this.


The Warsaw Ghetto has many parallels with the present situation in Gaza. The Nazis and Zionists expected Judas Goat types of groups to take control of all the ghettos. They were to persuade the people to do whatever the Nazis wanted, and not ‘provoke’ them.

In the Warsaw Ghetto, militant ‘Left’ groups took control with help from non Jewish radicals on the outside. They killed Nazi and Zionist operatives and organized a defense. The enraged Nazis threw everything they had at the Ghetto for months.

The Ghetto’s defenders fought them for months, exacting severe casualties in street fighting. Such warfare always strongly favors the defender. The Ghetto was given strong support from outside its walls. The civilian population was able to escape through the sewer system and find shelter in the city. 

Of course what Israel really hates about Gaza was that the Hamas militants threw out the Fatah Judas Goats. These were supposed to do there what they did in the west bank; keep the population pacified until they can be disposed of. Such are the similarities between Warsaw in 1943 and Gaza in 2023.

The big difference in Gaza is that there is no way for the civilian population to get away. Supplies cannot be moved in. Gaza has no chance unless the surrounding Arab countries take military action, or huge pressure is put on Israel by the international community.

The truth is what it is

There is no question that European Jews had many chances to die early during the years of Nazi hegemony. It is also clear that the intent was to move them into the areas of Russia which the Germans had occupied and intended to use for their “Lebensraum” ideas. The ultimate aim was to force them to go to Palestine and stay there.

The evidence for this is strong. The evidence against is weak. At the same time, the Nazis did run execution camps.

A great variety of people were killed in these places. Mostly they were not Jews. Mostly they were starved, beaten, worked to death, died of disease, or were shot. Bodies were always cremated.

Archeological digs have been done in many of these camps. They were often quite big. Spots were found where apparently human ashes were dumped, according to bone fragments and tooth filling residues.

Treblinka was supposed to be the big death camp for Jews. People sent there never returned. But an archeological dig there found the place was small and there were no ash dumps.

Treblinka was in fact a transit camp, where Jews from further west were sorted and sent to various work camps, or holding camps. The old and ill were often sent for ‘euthanasia’. To repeat yet again, the aim was to use them as cheap labor, and eventually to transfer them to Palestine.

The intention was also to permanently break their connection to their old homes. It was to create a shocking and traumatizing experience for these Jews, to break down their identity as ‘exilic’ or ‘shtetl’ Jews. They could then be molded into the ‘New Jews’ which the Zionist “Jew hating Jews” wanted to create in Palestine.

What happened to all these Jews sent into Russia? Where did all these Jews come from, who migrated from Russia into Israel after the fall of the Soviet Union? With a little historic context, these two questions answer each other.

There were few Jews in the Russian empire at the time of the Bolshevik revolution. In Catherine the Great’s time Jews were forced into an area along Russia’s western frontier. This was called “the Jewish pale of settlement”, hence the phrase “beyond the Pale”.

After about 1870, agents for the globalist financial capitalists began trying to overthrow the Russian Tsar. This was a time when imperialism was consolidating in the western world. Early Zionism was developing and began deliberately fomenting antisemitism.

The Jewish labor bundists were employed to assassinate Tsar Alexander the second and various other important Russians. Financial interests led by the Jewish Rothschild family began trying to harm Russia’s economy and foreign trade. Alexander the third responded by driving the Jews out of Russia.

Two million Jews left Russia between 1880 and 1920. Most of them went to the United States. Few went to Palestine, to the frustration of the Zionists.

Then, after 1989, a 1.6 million Jews emigrated from the collapsed Soviet Union, and .9 million went to Israel. If there were few Jews in Russia after 1920, where did these people come from? This is a story which has yet to be fully told.

It seems likely they were largely descendants of the people brought to Russia from further west by the Nazis. When the German army collapsed they were freed from their camps and integrated into Russian society. They were likely under some pressure to deny their past. Religion and national identity were always discouraged in the Soviet Union.

It is also theorized that many members of this Russian ‘Aliyah’ into Israel were not actually Jewish. For opportunistic people, claiming Jewish heritage was a good way of getting out of a failing state and into the western world, which was still prospering in those days.


Now I get to the question of what is behind the utterly vicious reaction to anyone questioning the established narrative about the Hitler holocaust. There is no good reason for it. Nothing I have said here exonerates Nazism or denigrates Jews in general.

The Zionists have a clear need to conceal the big numbers. They cannot allow anyone to see what they have really been doing. Above all, they cannot let other Jews see it.

As far as this makes any sense at all, it is about a dislike of Jews by a subset of Jews. Some talk of the “self hating Jew”. The early Zionists talked of Jews engaged in ‘air business’, doing no useful work, living off other people.

The idea was for ‘exilist’ Jews to be brought to Palestine to become farmers and laborers. They would learn to speak Hebrew and give themselves Hebrew surnames. They would become ‘Real Jews’ and all other Jews were to be no longer recognized as Jews.

Zionists always were a minority among Jews, but many of them were very wealthy and influential. A core were highly committed to the Zionist cause and anything was justified in pursuing it. However, most Jews have never been overly keen on Zionism.


False and exaggerated atrocities create cover for real atrocities. They enable manipulation of entire populations. This is why numbers matter.

To prevent future wars, it is important to research the key numbers from past wars. From the 1945 war that means; what people were moved where, how many really died, where did the rest go. Not just about the Jews, but the gypsies, the Volynia Poles, the Mennonites, and even in the end, the Germans.

This is not ‘denialism’ or ‘minimizing’. This is doing history. However, this is almost impossible to do while interests with a stake in concealing truth remain powerful.

It will be very hard to get serious research into the events of the world war until the influence of Zionism on western countries has been broken. Few people want to become targets of vicious attacks from these people just for doing proper research. It is the same reason why being a journalist is such a hazardous profession these days, if you are doing it correctly and honestly.

One of the tragedies of this is that the vacuum left by the shortage of serious and honest research is filled by real apologists for the Nazis and other nefarious groups. It also gives these groups a sympathy they do not really deserve. Such people are always around, looking for a chance to do it again.


Therefore, now that I have, I hope, sufficiently taken apart the holocaust exaggerators, I should focus some attention on the minimizers. I have already said enough to refute the minimizer’s main points. Yet most of them will imagine that what I say of the exaggerated narrative supports them.

The minimizers are the more disgusting Nazis to deal with. The ones who get their rocks off on the exaggerated version of the holocaust, and wish it had really happened and gotten all of the Jews, at least take responsibility for their ideas and actions. The ones who try to “explain” it are more contemptible.

“But we were fighting a war!”

Yes, and who started the war? Other countries fought the war without committing all these crimes.

“But we were under attack.”

People generally do not attack other people for no reason. What were you doing to them and why were you there at all?

“We were defending Christian Civilization from “Judeo-Bolshevism”.”

When did the rest of “Christian Civilization” decide there was such a thing as “Judeo-Bolshevism” and that we needed you to defend us from it?

Nazis and other extreme right people are usually mediocrities with a sense of entitlement. They are good at seizing power but very bad at running things. They are good at getting wars started but bad at winning them.

One of the biggest tragedies of the world war was that, at the end of it, most people who had joined Nazi and aligned organizations were not arrested. Those who had taken up arms should have been executed, the rest given long sentences.

As we are discovering in Canada, one of the big numbers games needing unravelling is, where all these Nazis got to. They seem to have almost taken over Canada, with nobody noticing. I have written a little about that.

Yet it is telling, that the people who organize attacks, including outright assaults, on anyone questioning the official version of history, really the Zionist version, have had no interest in the Nazis resettled in Canada.


Old Francis Bacon tells us that “Truth is the Daughter of Time, not of Authority.” Historical lies stand as long as the people who have an interest in maintaining them hold power. When they lose the ability to impose orthodoxy, truth begins to emerge.

It then becomes safe for people to begin to look into the evidence objectively and deduce what really happened. Some people sneer at this as ‘historical revisionism’. In fact, history needs revising from time to time for the aforesaid reasons.

In the case of the Hitler Holocaust and its exaggeration and distortion, the lie is too damaging, and too much a threat to world peace. It could lead to anything from a real mass murder genocide to a nuclear war. The guardians of this lie and the ‘useful idiots’ who have taken it in, must be taken on.

The world’s Jews, both the ‘Diaspora’ or ‘Exilic’ Jews and those of the Zionist ‘Judenstaat’ of Israel, are starting to realize that their established history does not really add up. Taking apart the Holocaust narrative is a big step in enabling them to understand what that event was really about, and where modern Jew hating really comes from.

The Jews outside of Israel have come to understand that no one wants to harm them. They are free to live anywhere. The only place on earth where Jews are in any real danger is in Israel. There, the real danger is not from Palestinians, but their own government and ruling oligarchy.

This is my answer to people calling me a “holocaust denier”. They are acting as auxiliary thought police, enforcing a false version of events which is maintained mostly by intimidation. They are denying the real causes of historic events.


Here are links to two very useful pieces explaining the nature of Zionism and the Israeli state.




As I said in my preamble to this, I am getting slurred as a “denier” and “Jew hater” in a couple of forums I participate in. I posted links there to my articles on the topic. In all, though, the response from the holocaust maximizers has been surprisingly tame.

However, I have found one criticism of the piece to be partly valid. In seems the Soviet census of 1926 found 2.6 million Jews. That is probably accurate. It seems Tsar Alexander did not drive out as many as some believe.

However, the person pointing this out thinks it invalidates everything else I said. My main theme holds, that the aim of the holocaust was not to exterminate all Jews. It was to remove the Jews the Zionists wanted from their homes to camps in the east, before moving them to Palestine.

This is still the best fit with the facts, according to abductive reasoning.

However, this still leaves the question of what happened to them all. The Soviets said two million Jewish citizens were killed in the Nazi invasion, which is dubious. The most recent Russian census gives between 300,000 and 600,000 Jewish citizens, depending on how you define a Jew.

The birth rate of Jews in the Soviet Union was said to be quite low. Yet 1.4 million left the Soviet lands after the Union fell.

Someone really wants to hide the big numbers. They are a puzzle to be solved someday.

As I have written, we need proper historical research, studying the most reliable records available, by trained and unbiased historians. All “thought police” and official narrative protectors need to shut up and get out of the way.

Of course, it is a characteristic of fanatics on both sides of every issue that if someone with a different narrative is mistaken in any detail, no matter how tangential, it proves he is lying. This is the fallacy of composition.